I Got Platies!


Fish Fanatic
Dec 22, 2006
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I got albino platies that look like guppies but fat :shifty: . it cool, but i dont know how i breed them.

ill seen pics later :good:
As old man said, they are self breeding...

They will have fry every 4-6 weeks.

You need a 1 male to 3 female ratio.

Once the male has mated with the female, she will have fry every 4-6 weeks for up to 6 drops off just one mating as they store the males sperm packets.

YOu need a well planted tank if you dont want to use traps.

preferbably a 10-15g tank to raise the fry.

plenty of fry food such as crushed flake, crushed high protien food, liquifry no 1,2,3. Baby brine shrimp (you have to hatch these yourself)..

If i have missed anything please feel free to add to it...
Hey 5teady nice to see you active again. yo are a fountain of knowledge!
good stuff.
all my males died when i got them, then 3 of my starting to be pregnet female turn into males!!!,
but its odd because my female runs away from the female/male and another felame/male chase that one and it goes on.

Can they be breeded that way???
all my males died when i got them, then 3 of my starting to be pregnet female turn into males!!!,
but its odd because my female runs away from the female/male and another felame/male chase that one and it goes on.

Can they be breeded that way???

then 3 of my starting to be pregnant female turn into males!!!, blimey glad that does not happen in the human world.....mind you I would love to be a man for a day....just a day :p :p :p
I got albino platies that look like guppies but fat :shifty: . it cool, but i dont know how i breed them.

ill seen pics later :good:
heres one!!

I never seen albino platy before. Are they have pink eyes? If so then they are uncommon in my area.
Male and female swordtails and platys can crossbreed, but its also possible that its a variatus platy (look very similar to swordtails)- the main reason why i said it was a swordtail is because that particular coloring is quite common in swordtails, but i guess variatus platys can have that sort coloring too;


Either way though it doesn't look like a true albino, albino fish have red eyes like this albino cichlid;


From the pics it just looks like a naturally pale color livebearer (it doesn't look like it has red eyes from the pics) rather than a true albino :) .

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