Finally Invested In Pressurised Co2


Fish Fanatic
Nov 29, 2007
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Bought a complete ( empty bottle ) 2kg Dennerle system from a guy on eBay over the weekend, got it charged up ( with liquid C02 ) and it works fine, one quick question, I adjust it to about 30 bubbles per minute for my 80 litre and after about an hour I go back and loook at the bubble counter and its slowed right down and I have to tweek it again to get it back to a rate Im happy with, any thoughts on why?

Also how long before my drop checker starts to turn?


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It will need adjusting but after a bit it will settle, the DC should change in a few hours, you wont regret the Pressurized system.
thanks you that was quick! Yeah, I'm looking forward to trouble free Co2 for the next few months!

Was reading another thread regarding diffusers, I have a nano one form Ae and to be fair only about two small streams of bubbles are coming off, if I crank the co2 i get a mist but it ruins my bubble rate. Is a reactor a safer bet or will the bubbles be okay like that? ?
I dose with Excel flourish daily and add plantamin ( tetra stuff ) at every water change do I need to start getting hi tech on ferts as well now or will my plants do okay with just the two above added ?
If you need to keep adjusting it, might be worth checking for leaks. A small amount of washing up liquid in water, lightly sprayed over the joints should bubble up if you've got a leak (this is how gas fitters check gas pipes :))
Thanks for all the responses, It has settled down and my drop checker is coming round to a nice green colour.

Was thinking of using TPN+ from AE on its own with no excel or plantamin?

read good things about it.
Cooool, thanks again peeps.

I finally feel that Im getting somewhere with my set up!!!

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