Amanda's 55g ~~tons & Tons Of Pics!

I have read a lot about them today. From all I have found... I think they will work very well. Now I am in the process of trying to find someone that has them. I called a pet shop to see if they can get them. They said they would check and see. I am supposed to check with them in the morning to see what they found out. I will let you know how it goes...
Well... Pick of the Litter in Ruston should be ordering me 8 botia striata on Monday. (If they are still available) I should be getting them on Wednesday morning. I can't wait! I don't know how much they will be for sure yet. That will depend on what size they have. The small ones should be around $6.00 if they have them. If all they have are the larger ones... they will be a little more.
They are also going to look for me some conortion val. If they can't get the contortion they are supposed to get me some italian val. She is supposed to call me Monday morning to let me know what they found so I can tell them how much I want.
I will let you know how it goes.

Thanks for looking and posting. :good:
I moved some fish around and moved and spread out some of my plants. It looks abit naked right now. I am in bad need of tall plants in there right now. I just left it sort of empty where the new plants are going.

I am also getting a little bit of a green tint to the water. I just don't know why. I did a 40% water change, but it didn't help much. I have forgotten what you do about green water. I have only had it once in a small tank, and it was a long time ago.
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This is what it looks like now. (really bad pic... sorry)
You have to imagine lots more tall val in the back and corners, and corkscrew val in the middle and around things.

Can you see where I am trying to go with this? Do you see anything that I need to change so far? (besides the
I really wish I could get some prettywood. That would make a big difference.
Do you think I am getting better or worse? I really want it to look good. I just have trouble figuring out how to accomplish it. I just know I want it grassy and pretty. What can I do to get that? Help me... Please... :look:
You may be able to see what is in there a little bit better in this pic... I had to help the pics a little due to the green water... just can't get a decent pic until I can get the water clear again...


There is one of the darker one that has the odd stripes and dots, and two of the lighter ones with the slanted stripes. I can't find anything that looks like them to get an idea of what they actually are. I don't think they are striata though. I also think I have 2 different kinds...
The didn't get my plants for me either!!! I don't think I like them much now... :shout: :crazy:
I called them to see what kind of loaches they sold me, and they said that is what their striata always look like. :blink:

Does any one know what this is that I have? If so (or if you know someone that might know) please help me ID my new fish! :/

Thanks for helping. :good:
I took back the first loaches and they ordered my striata again. They came in last Thursday. I couldn't go get them then because my Daddy died that morning. I called them and left a message explaining. I went today to get them, but they only had 4 left. I got them and asked them to please get some more. I also picked up the 3 julii corys that they had. I just couldn't resist them. They are all in the qt tank for now. I also got some more vals. They only had 6 though.

The 55g is getting greener... I am going to do a big water change tomorrow and see if that does any better than the little ones. If that doesn't work I will be forced to add algae destroyer. I have tried the black out, lots of small water changes, and crystal clear. I also started feeding less. Nothing has helped. I know the algae killer works, but I didn't want to have to do that. I have a pleco in there. I don't think it would be good for him. I am hoping that bigger water changes will work. Any other suggestions?

Thanks for looking and posting. :good:

I forgot the pics...

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There are 4 striata and 3 julii corys. I just couldn't get them all together in one place for a pic...
You won't have any trouble with snails with those guys. The snails will disappear and you will have to find some to give treats to the zebras. It may take a bit, but over time they will get rid of the snails. But then who will eat the algae?
My pleco... Tiny. The snails are currently eating all his food... He don't like them either... :lol:

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I plan to get some smaller ones later and he is going in the cichlid tank. I was told he would be ok in there...

Thanks for looking and posting. :good:
Nice fish :) am a big fan of loaches, far more character than most aquarium fish. Once my current obsession with plants ends, I think Ill have a tank full of them.

Love the loaches and cories you got! NO way I could get these fish here; you're not that bad off, are you?!
Green water; are you using the lights? What about the temperature? In my tank, a higher temperature with lights gives me green water.....
ah the joys of not having cichlids, you could have a beautifully planted aquarium instead of plastic plants :-( lol i miss them when they were small and ate nothing but flake, the severum especially :angry: lol
Those are great looking loaches. I wish I had good loaches where I live. They only sell the clowns here and the occasional striata, both of which are too large for my systems. A chain loach would be perfect for me. If only my platies would stop having babies, I'd have more room. But they insist on breeding.

What filtration do you run in the 55g?


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