Another Try And An Eel Id


Fish Crazy
Dec 30, 2007
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i know this belongs in oddballs but i cant seem to get photos up except where the attachments option comes up, which is here in other catfish. when the earlier one i made got moved from here to oddball's the photos got messed up and wouldnt work. im having issues with photobucket so this is the only way. sorry. :( :( :( so can someone please ID these two eels' latin names with regards to variations within the species, if that is possible from these pics.... in other words tell me if they will get along fine with each other when they grow up. does it matter if they are of different variations of peacock eel (by variation i mean the scientific categorization within the subheading of species, yes there is a classification beneath species) thank you for being patient with me in all my tripping around and falling over myself trying to get these pics up. like i said this is my only option.


  • Second_eel_pic.jpg
    23.4 KB · Views: 55
  • Smaug_pic.jpg
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i know this belongs in oddballs but i cant seem to get photos up except where the attachments option comes up, which is here in other catfish. when the earlier one i made got moved from here to oddball's the photos got messed up and wouldnt work. im having issues with photobucket so this is the only way. sorry. :( :( :( so can someone please ID these two eels' latin names with regards to variations within the species, if that is possible from these pics.... in other words tell me if they will get along fine with each other when they grow up. does it matter if they are of different variations of peacock eel (by variation i mean the scientific categorization within the subheading of species, yes there is a classification beneath species) thank you for being patient with me in all my tripping around and falling over myself trying to get these pics up. like i said this is my only option.

the left is a Peacock Eel, Macrognathus aculeatus
I was going to say the one on the right (lying under the rock in the sand) looks like Macrognathus aculeatus.
Maybe they are both the same fish but one is showing nocturnal colouration and the other is daytime colour.
well unfortanately the one in the top photo died. im really pissed. the guy at the pet store could not catch him, about 15 minuetes he chased him around the tank trying get him in the net. these fish dont do well under the stress of moving to begin with much less having to go through that!!! he passed away about 4 days after i brought him home. and i dont know how well the other one is doing now. he was happy and active before and since the second eel he's just not acting like hes doing well. if i lose him to id be livid. i even had him eating from my hand! wish my fish best of luck in getting well, if he's even sick. he may just be depressed.
check the water quality and if it isn't perfect do a 50% water change using dechlorinated water with a similar temp & PH as the tank. The first eel probably died from stress caused by being chased around the tank for 15 minutes.

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