Boy Or Girl


Fish Fanatic
Dec 13, 2006
Reaction score
Lewes, East Sussex, UK
Just bought 3 females from my lfs (£2 each :D ) but i'm beginning to think one might be a PK male.

I have a total of 8 girlies (including the "3" i've just bought) but he/she's flarring and chasing all the other females like mad. No sign of any barring or ovipositor.

Here's a couple of pics...what do you think ?


Well i've taken "it" out and put it in a 5 litre bottle in another tank which houses a single blue male fighter.

The blue fighter is going mad....either trying to fight or mate but there's very little response from the rogue fighter. It's trying to get out of the bottle but there's no flarring or fin displays towards the blue male.

Still can't see an ovipositor and there's still no barring either verticle or horizontal.

Don't know what to do...HELP :crazy:

It defo looks like a male PK to me and e very nice one to, if you don't want him i'll have him lol :p
Looks like a hmpk to me. Good looking fish. Sind him to me! :drool:
So today, i've gone to the lfs and bought another female to replave the one above (still not sure whether it's M or F)

I've put it in with the other 7 girlies i have and it has done exactly the same as the one above....lots of chasing the females, gill flarring and generally being very aggressive.

I couldn't tell what it was like in the tank as it was the only one left

Could i have made the same mistake twice in two days.

HELP :crazy:

Here's a pic of the lovely new boy/girl



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Now the fighter in the first two pics (we'll call HMPK 1) is in a partitioned off tank next to a large, aggressive blue male. Whether it's because this big blue male is particularly nasty i don't know but HMPK 1 above has shown no reaction to the blue male at flaring, no nothing.

So i put my new fighter (HMPK 2 bought today) in next to HMPK 1 and they've both gone mad at each other. I'm leaning more towards them being both males but i've also had females flare like this.

And i'm running out of space !!!! :/
It looks like another male to me sorry, your LFS gets in some real nice colours. I would be in all the time looking for males if i lived near you
"COME ON YOU LAAAAAAADS" whoops, you defo got a couple of males there andy :rolleyes:
Now can you "experts" tell by the pics or is it purely on behaviour. I ask this because when i had my first spawning nearly 3 weeks ago, the female flared her gills at the male all the time when in the conditioning jar. I was actually wondering if she was a girlie. Luckily, when i let her out, they spawned within 15 minutes !!!

Looking forward to getting my boys tomorrow Daz although knowing my luck, they'll all turn out to be girls :lol:
By the pics hun, the shape of the anal fine is the main give away - if you did want to make space you could always take him back and swap or sell one on, you have already had interest
Now can you "experts" tell by the pics or is it purely on behaviour. I ask this because when i had my first spawning nearly 3 weeks ago, the female flared her gills at the male all the time when in the conditioning jar. I was actually wondering if she was a girlie. Luckily, when i let her out, they spawned within 15 minutes !!!

Looking forward to getting my boys tomorrow Daz although knowing my luck, they'll all turn out to be girls :lol:
:rolleyes: these are defo boys :lol: :lol: , just been packing them and i soooooooooooooo do not want to send them, nothing wrong with having a mass of males, what is wrong is having a mass of tanks and wondering why you cant swing a cat in your home hehehehehe
Well....not only has that last fish (blue cambodian ?) blown me a lovely bubble nest but i can also see signs of an ovipositor :crazy:


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