I took this pic just a couple mins ago, so here's my female Ripley who I'm expecting to have fry in a couple of hours from now (I'll tell ya later if she does ). I hope it gives you some kind of idea
fish-lover-uk of how far yours are along
Here she is again doing her typical about-to-give-birth sign where she remains still and often hides near one of the plants by the top to escape any pesky males....
This is a older picture but here's most of my females(notice the gravid spots). Some are 2 weeks pregnant in this picture, and the yellow and orange leopard females are almost 3 weeks pregnant.
The male in the second pic is called a lyretail or double sword tail guppy. He's still a teenager so i dont think this batch of fry is his. I think some of the older, more experience males got to her first *cough Mercury cough*
55gallon i cant really see any of ur pics lol... might need to turn the flash on..... that female guppy of yours is faaaaat... i wish mine would get thaat fat
Noooooo you dont. Not when your room is full of fry bowls
I have tons of them now(there's more bowls off to the side, plus a 10 gallon with over 30 month and a half olds too!)
I've gotten more bowls since two more of my females have given birth after that pic. Just an update, yes that female did have babies!!! After an hour of posting this subject she had around 25 healthy little ones
Thanks for all your replies