iloveyou's pics!

here is nugget2... he is living in a bowl right now as he is almost over ick


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this is nugget2 in his 10 gallon... yes its the same betta as the pic above... this is him without ick.. swimming happily in his 10 gallon tank.. hopefully once hes feeling better and hes been conditioned again he will look like that again


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this is small fry ... nugget2s ''girlfriend'' lol.. even through her ick... she still has her vertical bars... i pointed them out cuz its not a great pic


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and the grand finale... da da da da *trumpets sound* :band:
bunch of fish from my 20... thanks for still staying alive lol..lots of pics... took me like 45 mins to make them all smaller etc. hope u enjoyed them :D


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male krib


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this is for peregrine falcon.. heres the ''pair''... i outlined what their tails look like with red cuz its hard to see... donno if this helps but hopefully


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right now i have 1 in a 10 gallon.... and 2 in another 10 gallon... they werent getting along so everyone has been moved around... i also put 1 convict in with my pair of kribs... hes small and doesnt bother the kribs and the kribs dont bother him so its working out well now.... i have one big mean convict in 1 of the 10s.. he hates everyone so he can stay in that tank by himself... then i have another pair in a diff 10 ... theyre both small aswell.. about an inch
Here I fixed up a little ur guppy picture :D . Are ur convicts breeding.


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i have a pair now.... 1 male and 1 female paired up and are defending a corner of the tank :D

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