My 1st Aquarium


New Member
Jan 18, 2008
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Hello friends,

I just brought my aquarium 5 days back. Dimensions are (24lx12bx14h). Dont know how much its capacity is but at present it is filled with 45 litres of water. At present i got 2 sharks(this is what seller told me i mean the name),3 black moory,2 golden unkown fishes( i have posted pics please let me know ). 2 pink colored fishes, they are the same size as the golden one,2 gold fishes,2 red head ,2 tiger paches fishes,3 gold pactches gold fishes. At present the filter is the not upto the mark, i was not aware so the seller fool me with a stupid filter, rod shaped. I will buy a good one sooner.
well what to say i am happy :)

P.S:- i had to reduce the size of the pics to be uploaded in the forum


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this is the shark :sad: , is it really a shark this what the seller told me .


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i am also having 3 tiger burbs( just got there names while surfing net.).


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Hello friends,

I just brought (BOUGHT) my aquarium 5 days back. Dimensions are (24lx12bx14h). Dont know how much its capacity is but at present it is filled with 45 litres of water. At present i got 2 sharks(this is what seller told me i mean the name),3 black moory,2 golden unkown fishes( i have posted pics please let me know ). 2 pink colored fishes, they are the same size as the golden one,2 gold fishes,2 red head ,2 tiger paches fishes,3 gold pactches gold fishes. At present the filter is the not upto the mark, i was not aware so the seller fool me with a stupid filter, rod shaped. I will buy a good one sooner.
well what to say i am happy :)

P.S:- i had to reduce the size of the pics to be uploaded in the forum

You have possibly the worst selection of fish ive ever seen in a tank that small.

The Sharks are Pangasius Catfish and can grow in excess of 6ft.
Black Moors are Goldfish
2 Golden fish possibly goldfish?

you have cold water fish mixed with tropical fish, mixed with tank busters....its a nightmare awaiting to happen, on top of that since its 5 days old, it wont be cycled.

looks good :good: tiger barbs in 3's may nip and pick on the other fish. If u have more room i say get 2-3 more.
I like the color in the tank very flarvorful! :p

How can you even consider saying add more fish???? did you even read the selection in that tank?
looks good :good: tiger barbs in 3's may nip and pick on the other fish. If u have more room i say get 2-3 more.
I like the color in the tank very flarvorful! :p

:crazy: :crazy: you can't be serious, Id say theres only room for the smallest goldfish you have, and that wont be for long.
Please take the fish back to a fish store, otherwise you'll come across problems you won't want.

Im sure youll have ALOT of people saying the same thing :blink:
:angry: that is mean!! you should do some research before you buy, please take All of them back and restart
Hey everyone, Bunty is a newbie And here is everyone giving her a hard time, I am sure she is totally unaware of the mistakes she has made.

I was exactly the same when i got my first tank. People are quick in jumping down peoples throats. There are nicer ways to explain things to people.

Pffft Shame on you people :sly:

Edit Sorry thought u were a she. :huh:
i'd agree with scotslasszoe. true enough the stocking is problematic no doubt but thats nothing that cant be changed. though i wouldnt want to see the look on bunty82's face when he/she returns to this thread.

btw i dont think thats a tiger barb. its a common goldfish. and i believe the filter is not working, judging from the seemingly still water surface.
Yes we were all newbies once .... But never seen anyone make a Boo Boo as big as this on their first go. Hmm waiting for a thread to come back saying 1st April has come early this year -_- Please just do as others have said take fishies back to LFS and start over again. Read through the stuff on here for beginners it must be easy even I could do it and understand bits along the way plus asking a few questions :nod:
:no: No Words to say now. That shark i mean catfish can grow upto 6ft, Damn. Life sucks, i was so happy when i brought it
what to do now. Who will take them. In India sellers once sold it dont take it back "only if its for free return".Regarding water circulation. I will buy the water circulator sooner.
:no: No Words to say now. That shark i mean catfish can grow upto 6ft, Damn. Life sucks, i was so happy when i brought it
what to do now. Who will take them. In India sellers once sold it dont take it back "only if its for free return".Regarding water circulation. I will buy the water circulator sooner.

Well its either free return or a tank of dead fish :) not as an attack on you but facing facts, that set up wont work, im sorry to say.

Once youve taken them back, start a clean slate and come here first :) there are hundreds of people using this forum all the time who will be very happy to help with every aspect of this hobby :)

Good luck.
well ,if the sharks are only problem then i can return them.Hopefully he will take them even if its for free i will take a pair of albino gold fish
Im afraid the 'shark' is just one of many problems that are very apparant, at the moment your squeezing 5 kittens into a soda can.

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