New Rescues

The December FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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New Member
Nov 28, 2007
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I was at petsmart and saw that they only had 2 female bettas left in a community tank. I'm sure they had more in the back somewhere but one of the bettas had ripped fins. I felt bad for her so i bought her and the remaining female and now they get to swim around happily in their own tanks =)



Anyone want to help me think of names for these two lovely ladies?
do you relly name ypur tropical fish i have to mnay that i cant keep track of who is who.

lol rolf


danio master :hyper:
They are lovely - names ideas....

Ruby & Sapphire
Lily & Bluebell
Sienna & Storm
Cute lil Girls ^.^

What about Shiva for the Blue one and Chaos for the red one? ^^
I'm so bad at names lol

LOL not Shiva, that's what jewish people do when someone dies :/
Cute lil Girls ^.^

What about Shiva for the Blue one and Chaos for the red one? ^^
I'm so bad at names lol

LOL not Shiva, that's what jewish people do when someone dies :/
Shiva is also one of the principal deities of Hinduism. Often called "the Destroyer", Shiva is one of the Trimurti, along with Brahma the Creator and Vishnu the Preserver.
My bad.

I got it from Final Fantasy lol I figured the lil dude was blue and so is the Summon so meh >.<

How about Siren?
shiva is often depicted with 4 arms and is often blue in colour. the final fantasy figure may be based on this.
lol for some reason i found the above post by ibbledibble funny :D very informative but seems somewhat out a context with the rest of the post hehehe i wish my genereal knowledge was so good, atleast we now know who to have on your team in a pub quiz! :)
thanks for all the suggestions, im still deciding on the perfect names though. I'm loving all of the suggestions and its just so hard to choose!!

i was thinking....Genesis for the blue one and Ophilia for the red one. What do u guys think? mehhhh???
I think rescue isn't the right word you're looking for..but that's for another conversation.

Osiris for the blue one
Rosalina for the red one

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