Lemon Tetras


Oct 16, 2007
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Texas, USA
I just got 8 Lemon tetras on Friday. The water parameters were all normal when I added them. I was out of town for 2 nights and came back Sunday afternoon to find 2 of them dead. This morning another one was dead. Now, this afternoon a fourth one just died. I don't know what happened to the first three, but the fourth one was swimming upside down and looked like there was internal bleeding maybe? Tankmates include two dwarf gouramis, an angelfish and six corys. They don't seem to bother the tetras at all. I tested the water again this morning and it was fine (NH3=0, NO2 =0, NO3= 10). I've attatched a picture of the latest one. I just want to know what to do to save the four I still have. They look healthy and seem to be swimming normally.


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Sometimes tetras just die. They are the feeder fish of the amazon after all. since you suggested the potential for internal I'm goign to suggest removing them from the angels and gouramis. Sometimes these fish can be territorial and nippy at smaller and less aggressive fish. Gouramis may look innocent, but they can be fin nippers and harass little fish. By the way what is NO3, NO2, NH3 stand for, I don't recognize those abbreviations.
Sometimes tetras just die. They are the feeder fish of the amazon after all. since you suggested the potential for internal I'm goign to suggest removing them from the angels and gouramis. Sometimes these fish can be territorial and nippy at smaller and less aggressive fish. Gouramis may look innocent, but they can be fin nippers and harass little fish. By the way what is NO3, NO2, NH3 stand for, I don't recognize those abbreviations.

NH3 = Ammonia
NO2 = Nitrite
NO3 = Nitrate

Really, the numbers should be subscripts, but I can't get it to work on this forum.

Thanks for the advice. I don't really have anywhere else to put the tetras, so we'll just see how it goes I guess. It could be the gouramis, but the tetras really don't look like they've been nipped at, so I don't know. Hopefully these four will be okay, they seem fine still as of now.

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