How do you tell it apart from C. agassizii or C. brevirostris?
Also, how do you tell the males from the females? I was reading that the males are narrower but mine seem all the same size....maybe they're all the same sex.
Also, how do you tell the males from the females? I was reading that the males are narrower but mine seem all the same size....maybe they're all the same sex.
Females are generally bigger all over, but especially wider, than the males. This is a pair of C. aeneus that have just spawned, so the female is not full of eggs, but normal size.
It is possible that your corys are all the same sex, particularly if you had the salesperson catch the biggest ones for you. Then they might be all females. The opposite could also be true if they were in the store a long time and other people did that. A lot of fishkeepers don't know the difference.
If you can't tell their gender by looking at them from this angle, look at their ventral fins. The female will have larger and rounder ones than the male.
The two original fish that I purchased for my first tank, a long time back, looked pretty much like the fellow at the start of this thread. They were sold to me as Puctatus corydoras. When the shop ordered in some more of the same name they were nothing like them! I have never found any since so now I at least know what to ask about.