Long Fin Albino Pepper Wigglers

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Haha! Regular F1's

I have not gotten the LF pandas to breed yet, but I have a very round LF panda lady! :-
When she does... I want some!
Up date your list. I printed it so I could keep up with what you have that I want. I am tyring to hilight what I know are breeding so I know what might be available.
I know I am waiting for the black, julii, green laser, and a few others to mature a bit and start breeding.
You have a plec that I want too... :D
I am just a beginner at this breeding thing. Many of the fish need a setup that is better and easier for me to harvest eggs and encourage the ladys to get busy. I had hoped that I would get some duplicarus from their eggs, but so far all I see are pandas. The gossei are a stunning fish, imo, but from Ian's post it appears that they are in way too cool water and will eventually need a tank of their own. They are spawning, but the eggs don't appear to have hatched me anything. It is not for lack of them trying.

I saw the LF panda lady swimming and being followed. But I didn't see anything come of it. They are still very young and small--half the size of my breeding pandas.

How are your babies?
I just took a bunch of pics. I will post the best ones as soon as I can get them off the camera and sorted.
They are growing and doing fine. The 4th one went missing, but the other 3 are great! I am so proud. I hope they keep doing this well.
I am going to get the pics done. I will be back in a little bit.
I can't get through them all tonight. I have to sleep some time... there were 218 of them.
I just picked a few. These are probably not the best, but I am tired.
I will get the rest done after I rest a little.
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Sweet. They are gorgeous little babies. :wub: Congrats, they look like they're growing well.

As it turns out... those were the best of the pics. It is really hard to get a good pic of white fish. Most of the pics come out way too bright with no details.
They are growing so fast. I still haven't seen one go up for air yet though. They don't swim around much. They stay hidden most of the time. I really hope they start getting more active soon.
I got 4 more eggs earlier. Most of them had been eaten before I knew they were there. I usually don't get many though. She has started only doing a few eggs at a time. Normally there are only around a dozen or so. There have on been a couple of times that she did around 50, but none of them turned out to be good. I would love it if a couple of these would make it, but I don't think it is going to happen. I think they aren't fertile. I should know pretty soon.
I hope to find a few more eggs in the morning. I will let you know.
Thanks everyone! :friends:
:good: They will get going for you in time. It took me forever to get the pandas and I am still waiting for the duplicarus eggs to do something. I did tonight see something dash with a very white body and a flash of red. Maybe...I hope...
I hope so too. It is hard waiting for them to want to do what we want. :rolleyes:
When they do finally decide to humor us... they always pick a time when we don't really have time to deal with it. I am pretty sure they do it on purpose. :shifty: :lol:
Absolutely! They do it to mock us. Just like NEONCORY's put the eggs where he can't reach them.

I have been catching up on water changes this weekend and playing with the camera in between.

I have a few more to do tomorrow and maybe I will finish. Then I will start to work on getting boxes and sorting and taking things to storage for some room. I think I will order some shelving. It works fairly well. But there is no place to put things once I box them. I am walking between ailse of stuff now.

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