Fish too big ...

whats that


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It's a Leperinus. (spelling?)
Oh and by the way, I'm a girl :)
I can post a pic of him if you like....
Dont get offended lovemyoscar but i think someone got bitten by the jeoulasy BUG stop hating lovemyoscar i know that u want that tank. But u cant face it is not urs. ok dont be HATING> :grr: :angry:
55....don't make this any bigger than it has already gotten.....ok man? It isn't worth it for them....take it from me...I learned my lesson last night :lol: :lol: :lol:
Ok, I'm going to end this once and for all.
Today I called the Aquarium in The Indianapolis Zoo
Now the guy I talked to asked what Variety of Pacu I had.
He said that there are 2 main types of Pacu.

Colossoma Brachypomum - Red Belly Pacu also known as Silver Pacu.



Colossoma Macropomum - Black Pacu

I have Colossoma Brachypomum.
Colossoma Bracypomum size Max out at 18" to 20"
He said that RED BELLY PACU do most of their growing in the first 2 years of life.
After that they grow about 1/3 of their size every two years.
A Red Belly Pacu's life span is right around 10 years.
He told me that my Pacu's have more than enough space right now and they will continue to have more than enough space for the next couple of years.
He said that when they grow out of the 250g. The 810g tank that I'm going to put them in will be "more than ample" To hold them for the rest of their lives.
He said I have and will have the right tank sizes to keep these fish very happy and very healthy.
He gave me a couple of web sites that will "back up" the information given.


Aquaria Central

These are the cold hard facts, from a professional.
I think they're beautiful :wub:

Don't stress Delirium, you're doing a great job with them! There's not many people in the world who would set up an 800 gallon tank to house their fish, sadly most people have the.."Ehh, they'll just stop growing" attitude,people who don't even care enough to learn about their fish ( it must be true because they sell pacus in Wal-mart,just imagine how many of them there are stuffed in 10 gallon tanks :X ) and it's nice to know there's people out there like you! Great job!!

Oh by the way....I want your tank! :hey:
Thank you wuvmybetta, :)

I feel a little better now!

It just erks me when I know how to take care of these pacu and people are telling me I don't.

Anyway, I can't wait to get the 810g tank.
I'll post alot of pics when I get it!
Delirium said:
I'll post alot of pics when I get it!

Looking forward to it! :kana:

How are your red devils...nice? I have a midas/devil cross and I adore him, I really want a pure devil next, whats he/she like? :wub:
I have a male and a female.
My male is a little evil he runs the tank.
He kinda messes with everybody, except for the Royal Knife.
They are buddies, usually always together.
The male has pretty much lost his color, and he's grown the big knot on his head.
The female is pretty docile for the most part.
She picks on the occasional Pacu though :)
They are both pretty entertaining.
Um................................ How long is ur huge pleco and can u post pics of him :D
settle down by the time they are too big for an 810 they will be pan sized. that way everyone wins :nod:

LOL :)
I've heard people say that they are good eatin'.
ewwww! Eating them would be like eating my cat.

I am assuming you are having the tank built inside of the house?(assembled)
Kind of interested in the cost of this, if you have already looked into it.

*wants an 810 gallon tank too :-( *

Chris :hyper:

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