Wow, great photos everyone! You all have such gorgeous bettas
Here are some of my fav pics so far of my bettas. I really need to take some more updated ones. I have multiple favs so yeah.. I'm posting them all! hehe
I need to get some more of him.. after I've cleaned the tank that is hehe... the outside is so dirty! hehe
He was SO happy to finally be able to make a bubblenest. He was proud of his tiny creation hehe
I'll have to get him another plant so he can have a place to do it again
Another of Raj. It's not very good quality but I think it's cute b/c he absolutely LOVED those mossballs. He played with them, attacked them, and slept on and by them.
Here are 2 pics.... It's showing Afia (the red female) staring at Raj who plastered himself up against the divider teasing her. You can slightly see him through the divider hehe. The pic of him is when he just took himself off of the divider (I was too slow to catch him while he was doing it).
The Dual Beggers
My Bluebell
This is a photo of when I first got her. That's why her stress stripes are there. I need to get some updated pics of her. She's gotten SO big and she's so fat b/c she eats all of the other fish's food.
RIP my beautiful boy. I think this pic is funny though, looks like the ornament is going to eat him.
Afia again
She is SO hard to photograph. I have to take at least 20 pics of her to get 1 decent shot.
Some more of my gorgeous boy Caine.
I miss the lil guy!
Raj showing off
I love the pose hehe
Afia and her upside down twin
And a pic of Afia when I first got her. She along with Raj had to be put into half gallon glass jars while I was finishing their tank.
I just like the way the bubbles look and the way the light makes the ones on the bottom look as though the light is coming from beneath.