The Rainbow Bridge

jinny the hamster - the escape artist :) died of old age i think
floyd the black labrador miss u loads :-( :-( old age
meg the black and white kitren once climbed in to a watering can!! :lol: miss u :sad: ran over :(
merlin the black kitten who once stole a loaf of bread which he carried in his mouth strong lil fella - ran over
2 guppies - ??? not sure how died
1 neon died yesterday of a disease :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :sad: :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( miss u all very much! xxx
Ozzy, my little buddy, left us on June 2nd. He was born in August of 1991, and was part of the family since he was 8 weeks old. This was a tough one, the whole family has been through so much life with him around.

He was always gentle & caring when needed, as well as courageous when it was called for. His mind was still willing, but his body was no longer able to do the things a terrier loves to do. He always stuck by us; no matter what the situation, doing what he knew was right. I had to do the same, and stuck by him until the end.

Here's a picture of him napping in the yard, his favorite place.


May I Go?
by Susan A. Jackson

Do you think the time is right?
May I say goodbye to pain filled days and endless lonely nights?
I've lived my life and done my best, an example tried to be.
So can I take that step beyond, and set my spirit free?
I didn't want to go at first, I fought with all my might.
But something seems to draw me now to a warm and living light.
I want to go, I really do; it's difficult to say.
But I will try as best I can to live just one more day.
To give you time to care for me and share your love and fears.
I know you're sad and afraid, because I see your tears.
I'll not be far, I promise that, and hope you'll always know,
That my spirit will be close to you wherever you may go.
Thank you so for loving me. You know I love you too,
And that's why it's hard to say goodbye and end this life with you.
So hold me now just one more time and let me hear you say,
Because you care so much for me, you'll let me go today.
Tolak... I am so sorry.
Beautiful poem.
You and your family are in my prayers. Our pets can so easily become family, and it is really hard to lose them.

In memory of moose my tom cat. We picked him up at the pound one day because his previous owner couldent keep him anymore as they where moving to a new apartment that didn't let them keep cats, so we took him. This cat was literally the greatest friend i could have ever asked for. I loved him more than anything. Ever morning after school he would come and visit me and i knew he would always be there. He would just sit and wait on the porch until i came home. He past away from cancer in 2000. I loved him more than anything. When he was sick he would only stand up when i came into the room. He past away in the nurses arms the night after i saw him last. You've been missed greatly my friend. I will never, ever forget you. I love you moose!

This goes out to patches my stray cat who we found on our front door one day. She was my first cat and amazing as well. She hated being outside and one day she got out and freaked out and jumped into my arms when we found her on the stairs out side. Ill never forget that. She to past away from cancer. We made the decision to put her down because you could tell see was in pain. She would always snuggle up next top me and sleep right by my side. She followed me everywhere and ill never forget her. I love you patches! Ill see you on the other side one of these days.

Everything ive ever loved has died from cancer and i hate it with a passion. My two cats, grandmother, grandfather, and my own father. I hope one day we find a way to stop this damn disease. Thank you for reading this everyone. I haven't cried in a very long time. Its nice to let it out though. Ill miss you guys.
I had many loses but I think the worst was Ricky.


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To let all of you know, we lost our Bourke Parakeet Scooter last month due to age, he was older then we thought when we bought him. We got him from a shaddy pet store who said he was a juevenile bird, I guess you should be carefull when you get an animal. His beautifull songs will be missed. We also lost our dwarf hamster Cinnamon, she pased away 3 months ago.

Good Bye Scooter:

Good Bye Cinnamon:

I would like to put a special rememberance in for my bunny Fritz...
His lil' bun-bun life was cut short last night when a raccoon broke into the kennel and killed him. He was a great bunny, litter box trained, loved being petted and getting treats, just an all around great pet that always brought a smile to my face and joy to my heart. Every morning when I went out to feed him and give him love, I would start singing my bunny song to him and he knew that he was about to be fed and loved. He would run up to the fence to greet me, then run 5 or 6 excited circles around me as I prepared his food, then stick his front feet up on my legs as if to say Thanks! He always knew when I had a special treat and would grunt in anticipation followed by joy as he gobbled down a clementine or a juicy strawberry.
He was found on his back with all feet in the air and no head :-( I hope it was fast.
I cremated him in the back yard and set his bun-bun spirit free.
Fritzy, you were the best bunny I could have asked for and more. You gave me 3 wonderful years of your life, I wish it could have been longer.
Your cheerful dispostion and charming ways found their way into so many peoples hearts.
You were greatly loved and will be greatly missed.
RIP Snicklefritz, I love you. :byebye:


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So sorry for your loss Naughtygirlrlw :sad:

He was a gorgeous bunny, and looked very loved and well looked after.

:rip: Fritz :byebye:
My little buddy Hopper died today. He was my Egyptian Toad who I got from Petco 4 months ago after Norris died. He was always a happy little guy, hopping about, and always ate well. Then, a few weeks ago, his little arm started to swell up, and got bigger and bigger. Then This morning I found him lying in the middle of the tank. I think MBD is what got him, but I don't know for sure. I didn't know how old he was, but I'm pretty sure he was wild caught, because of the nose rubbing and all. But aside from that. He was a good friend and always brought a smile to my face ans the faces of others. He will be missed.

RIP Hopper
?/?/?? - 10/27/07
One of our cats.. known as Fatty.. aka The Fattness, aka Zipper, aka Kitty Kitty, has just passed Nov 14th 2007.

We only had her for 5 pee on everything years, but they were great.

She had a rough life to start with. She found fiance's family in their church parking lot when she was still a tiny kitten. She had a cold and both eyes were infected.
They brought her home, took her to the vet where they gave her the meds she needed, then gave her to us to love and take care of.
When she was a kitten, she would just zip through the house.. which is where the name Zipper came from. We never called her that though. It was usually just Kitty Kitty. As she got older, she just got fatter and fatter. So fat she had absolutely no loose skin anywhere on her body lol. She looked just like a butterball turkey.. cept with fur :p heh We started calling her Fatty and it's been that way ever since.
She was a very timid cat prefering to either be alone or to lay by us quietly. She was also afraid of the ironing board heh. She'd always run for cover as soon as she saw me reaching for the closet door that has the board in it.
And thanks to our dog Bing, she became afraid of thunder as well.
We'd have both Bing and Fatty by our feet just shivering away whenever it thundered.

When we got our cat Stewie last year... BOY she did not like him at all. He'd want to play, and she would hiss and bat at him if he got too close. She learned to tolerate him after she finally figured out that he was here to stay though. They never really got along, but more just tolerated one another.
She absolutely loved our dogs though. Our dog Kiwi is a nibbler... she loves nibbling on the rest of the pets... so yeah, that's like a cat's dream right there heh. Kiwi would get to that one spot right above the tail and BOY Fatty would be loving it. And although our dog Bing doesn't like cats very much, she'd let Fatty come by and clean her face for her sometimes. Just so funny watching as Fatty licked away while Bing glared at her lol.

Even though she liked to pee on the couch and on our bed (when we used to let her on it)... she was still a great, sweet kitty.

I wish I could say that Fatty passed quietly and pain free, but she was in pain.. I wish she had gotten better, but I guess it's better that she's not suffering any longer. This is very hard b/c it just came so quickly and so unexpected.

Our sweet sweet girl is going to be sorely missed.... I wish we could've had more time with her....

Here are 3 not so great pics of her. I'll try to find some better ones later when I'm feeling more up to it.

Took this in her fav room. It's dark and quiet which is why this pic didn't come out so great.

Another one of her in the same room...

And one of Cid climbing all over her while she was trying to enjoy her short time outside heh. She didn't like him to do it, but she allowed him to climb for a little bit hehe
My beloved, most favorite of all time betta, "George" passed away today. I would have never believed that a fish could have a personality until George joined us. Although he was "just" a veil tale from PetSmart, he was the feistiest of any betta I've had. He resided here for over three years in his 6 gallon tank. :rip:


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