Change And Rewind


Fish Fanatic
Aug 14, 2007
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Ok so ive been around a while,I had lots of tanks which for various reasons had to sell or close down so now Im starting up again.Weved moved house so should be no more major disruptions.Ive got a tank,no decent pics as yet but once its set up Ill take ne.Anyway im lookig for stocking ideas and I thought Id post in here and add pics as I go along its not the biggest tank in the world but I like it and thats what matters.Its 200 litres and I have no idea what fishys to put in it


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I'm taking it is gona be tropical and not marine? Also is it gona be community or species?
What kind of fish have you kept in previous tanks?
tis bout 3ft i'll measure exact when i set up proper.yes it is a bit but I got lots of freebies eg gravel,background,heaters,light tubes,test kits,plants,feed,dechlor,etc etc.

As for fish well erm Ive kept lots really from neons to birchirs and fire eels,had a few discus along the way too
Any preferences out of all the fish?
It won't be that much once the filter, gravel, decor, plants and fish go in.
So the tanks full and still cloudy but never mind.Im thinking of perhaps mbuna?not 100% though.Been looking up and found a few good bits of info and got a bit of advice on the way.


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oh dear someoneshould tell the cichlid forum :blink:

helpful replies would be alternative stocking? :shifty:
I believe the Cichlid forum knows

"Cookie Cutter Setup for 55-gallons
(48x13x20 in / 122x33x51 cm)

by the CF Moderators

55 gallons is perhaps the most popular aquarium size, particularly among beginners. These tanks are economical. They are "large" aquariums with a thrilling length of four feet."

So not really any need for sarcasm as I didnt mean it offensivley and I did say that.

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