Bristlenose With Fungus - Help!?


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Jul 29, 2007
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Tank size: 125l
pH: 7-8
tank temp:26 degrees C

Fish Symptoms (include full description including lesion, color, location, fish behavior): white fluffy patch on "nose" of bristlenose spotted about two days ago. He has been harder to spot and nowhere near as active as normal.

Volume and Frequency of water changes: 25l every 2-3 weeks, did one yesterday

Chemical Additives or Media in your tank: none

Tank inhabitants: 6 guppies, 2 red robin gouramis, 1 honey gourami, Clown plec

Recent additions to your tank (living or decoration): a week ago I added the Bristlenose and the Clown plec

Exposure to chemicals: none as far as I know

Digital photo (include if possible): if I can find him I will post a pic

I'm going to re-test the water now, the above readings were before my water change yesterday and both ammonia and nitrate had been higher than normal since addition of bristlenose and clown plec.

Also, this morning I saw one of the guppies "flashing", never seent his before. Is he catching this?

Will this spread to my other fish? What should I treat with? Hope you guys can help!
I have attached some pictures, unfortunately my camera isn't very good.

DSCF2074_50k.jpg DSCF2067_50k.jpg

hope this works! Water readings to come.
Does it look like it is flat, but have the fluffy apperance? Looks similar to what my pleco had which was Columnaris.Columnaris Article

Also doing water changes should be done at least once a week. As it seems you have readings for ammonia and nitrite, this means your tank is still cycling. So even two water changes a week would be better. Cycling is also known as the nitrogen cycle. So you may want to check that out, it will help you out and your fish out. Cycling Link

Here is also a Guide to Weekly Maintenence
Thanks for the info Fishkies. I don't think it Columnaris, it is cotton-wool like but is restricted to his head and "nose" area. No signs of this anywhere else on him.

I have just been to my lfs, suggested similar to you - increase water changes. Also I have bought some ammonia remover as readings are still high. Will start treating with eSHa 2000 in a couple of hours. Fingers crossed this cures my bristlenose.
Make sure the gravel is well vacced before treatment, another possibility would be a ciliate (protozoan) possibly glossatella (spelling?) which tends to thrive with a high organic load.....
If you are struggling between treating for fungal or bacterial try finding a med containing Phenoxyethanol.

Thanks for the help guys, the Bristlenose is now dead. I will continue to treat as I am unsure whether any of the other fish will catch it - whatever it was. The only signs that all is not well in my tank, apart from the bristlenose, is one guppy flashing and my honey gourami seems to have lost some his colour. No signs of further fungus anywhere....right now back to water testing and observing my unhappy fish :sad:
If you see your fish flashing but no outside signs something on the inside is possibly wrong. However you do say your ammonia is high. So just monitor your water parameters closely, as that could be causing your guppy to flash. :nod::rip: sorry to hear about your bristlenose

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