Look.. my first ever tank :D


New Member
Nov 15, 2003
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London UK
hi everyone, this is my first tank.. and first ever pics, i hope you like them.. im still learning.! (i tried to keep the tank looking pretty natural, any suggestions or comments are welcome) :)

(inhabitants list.. )
4 white cloud mountain minnows
2 long finned zebra danios
1 sucking loach
1 absloutely tiny snail that i saw once and then never again!
lots of brown algae :(

first one.. overall shot


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close up showing 2 white cloud mountain minnows and a passings zippy zebra danios :D


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and last but not least, my sucking loach - dyson :wub:


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aww, thanks :D im really proud of it and its made me get into the fish thing quite abit.. my first EVER pets! :D
well dann..

tank was £19.60

hood another £20

light another £25

filter £15

pump (£15 with airline and stone)

misc.. ie plants, gravel, decor, background $£40prob

so around £120 ish + all the bits i dindnt have like gravel vac, buckets, test kits food, aquasafe, etc etc.. and fish

its been expensive, but worth it i think :) its really relaxing to watch

an all in one tank would have been cheaper as i bought an incandescent lamp too in the first place and then realised i defintaley needed a fluro.

josh :nod:
Hi josh :) Tank looks great, but then again you had a good teacher didn't you :D
wow what a nice tank!!! are thoes real plants in the tank? what kinda lights are you useing?
Hi ZX300SI,

thanks :) there are 4 real plants in there at the mo, the reedy type thing by the filter, one Crypt doing very well by the big ornament cave thing, and two smaller leaved crypts on each side at the front, the rest are fake, eg the bushy thing and the bits attatched to the decor, also, the fish dont eat them. something about the taste so i gather :D

the lights are standard tropical freshwater 15Watt tube and controller from arcadia, with abit of silver foil on the hood, (didnt feel i needed a reflector as the tank is only small) also, it over 2watts a gallon, so its pretty bright, hence current algae growth.

any other questions, coments or suggestions very welcome :D

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