Lump On Three Spot Gourami


Fish Crazy
Jan 21, 2007
Reaction score
Cheshire, UK.
The other night I noticed that one of my three spot gouramis has a lump on its side. I read that it could be bacterial so I moved it to my hospital tank. As I moved
it the lump burst and some pinky red stringy thing came out of it which broke up into minute pieces and got sucked into the filter inlet in my hospital tank. The lump has gone down a little but is now open and has like white wiggly stuff hanging from it. I am on my third day of treating with melafix and just want your opinions on what it may be and whether to treat with something else once the 7 days with the melafix are up ? The gourami seems ok, he is still eating if a little shy and jumpy ( i put that down to the bare hospital tank lol ).

Your opinions would be greatly appreciated.

P.s. Please excuse the poor picture quality

Andy :good:

pH: 6.2
ammonia: 0
nitrite: 0
nitrate: 20
Temp: 78


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Did it look like a parasite that burst out of the lump.
The white wiggly stuff does that look like parasites or stringy fungus.
It did look like a parasite when it burst Wilder and the bit that you can see in the second photo looks like it is moving yet when I netted the gourami in the first picture it is hardly noticeable. Thanks again Wilder :thumbs:
Sounds like if the parasite was red it was a camallanous worm.
If the white things on the fish are worms which makes sense as camallanous worms are red have to feed on the victims blood, if there not feeding on the victims blood they will be white.
Thanks Wilder. I'm currently treating with melafix and it seems to be clearing up so fingers crossed and thanks for your help once again. :thumbs:

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