Shubunkin Parasites?


New Member
May 18, 2007
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Please help. I have been told to and have used "General Cure", contains 250 mg Metronidazole and 75 mg Praziquantel per packet. I used 3 for my 30g tank (per instructions) treatment last night for Shubunkin (5") with very red patch at base of gill. First noticed very slight light brown color at base of dorsal fin, fin clamping and the fish gasping(few days ago). Then I noticed the redness on gills and now at base of bottom fins, I also notice a small white node or something the size of large salt grain on the redness in both locations. The red on the bottom looks round and protrudes from the fish. The fish tries to eat but I can tell he/she is very uncomfortable, the mouth motion is also not normal, seems like mouth gets stuck closed sometimes. The fish does dart around at times and mostly sits still near bottom of the tank.

I have recently (2 weeks ago) added a new smaller (2") shubunkin. Prior to adding the new fish the water did need to be changed, I hadn't done it for a few weeks. I noticed the pH was low but the old fish (we originally found him in our outdoor pond) always did fine but thought new fish may not do well because it came from 7.0pH evironment, so I added something (I forget the name) to raise pH.

So I did the water change and added the new fish (after floating him to get acclimated and adding some existing tank water), made a mistake and added the water that came with the new fish to the aquarium. The new fish came from an outdoor pond/fish store. I also put in a small piece of plant material for them to graze on. It is one of those oxygenating plants for outdoor pond (which I do have, but no fish because it's only 18" deep - which is why we had to take out the now sick Shubunkin, he wouldn't have survived the winter). Promptly removed plant after they showed no interest (a day or two). The new fish (much smaller) chased around the older fish for a couple of days and then they got used to one another, chasing stopped. I do believe the older fish was slightly stressed by this, even though he/she is much larger.

Person at pet store suggested it is probably a parasite and suggested the above medication. I also added some aquarium salt 4 tablespoons predissoved and added it slowly over 12 hour period.

I have a photo. The fish is beginning to look like he/she is losing weight and getting "flat" color. The other fish looks healthy. Also it seems to me the fishes skin looks thinner, especially around or on the head/gill area.

Aquarium - 30 gallons
Filter - Whisper Power filter 30
No bio-wheel
Removed carbon
Black plastic mesh media in filter
Has been established for 7 months

Using dropper type
Ammonia - 0

Using Laguna brand test strips
Nitrite - 0
Nitrate - 40
PH - 5.5-6.0
Alkalinity - 80
Temp - 68
Hardness - Soft water or 25PPM

Any advice would be greatly appreciated, this fish is special to us. Also, I have recenlty read using pH products is not good, any suggestions on how to raise pH?

Thank you.


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Wow that fish is sick, gill flukes can cause bacterial infections on tops as in there hooks they carry a nasty bacteria that enter the fish system once its pierced the skin, this is why they tell you to medicate with a bacterial med as well.

Whats your location.

Need to get going on a bacterial med fast.
Ulcers are pink or red with a circling of dead white skin around the edges of the patch.
Is the med I am currently using enough? I just did the recommended second dose of it with a slight water change before adding the medication.

If I need a bacterial med, can I mix the two? What type of bacterial med?

Maracyn one and two, or maracyn plus for the ulcers bad bacteria infection.
Maracyn one and two, or maracyn plus for the ulcers bad bacteria infection.

Thanks. Do you when I can use this med? I just added the Metronidazole and Praziquantel packets earlier today. I did one dose 48 hours ago, this is the second and last dose. Should I wait to add Maracyn. Is Maracyn for the bacterial infection? These two meds that I am using are for flukes, velvet, ick, anchor worm and fish lice.

I don't want to over medicate and make matters worse. Also I have not quarantined this fish on recommendation from the pet store so the other shubunkin is getting medicated too.
Once the parasite meds have finished there course, do a water change usually 30% but check instructions in med leafllet, then run some black carbon for aday and then go in with the maracyn plus.
Mardel do tetracycline as well but it can knock your filter bacteria.

Thats fine the whole tank wanted medicating anyway.
Good luck.
I feel much more confident at this point, your help is much appreciated.
Good luck but flukes are nasty and do alot of damage, fingers crossed he pulls through.
Do you think the flukes came with the other fish or maybe the plant? Both were bought from the say pond store?
I think adding plant, new fish & changing pH rapidly did the harm. He was used to the water and pH as it was. God willing he will be okay and I have learned alot, including - quaratine tank for new fish! Even though it may not have helped this.

Do I need to adjust the pH? It is always low but he did fine with it. Can do I do it slowly or without the buffers or chemicals? It seems like I would have to constantly be adding buffer.
Does more harm then good messing with ph, I would leave it alone if he was fine, as when it comes to water changes you can't change much due to the tap ph, you have to be careful.
Check ph in goldfish for you not sure what it should be, but fish tend to get used to your tap ph anyway.
Thanks. I was always of the mind to leave well enough alone but the woman who sold me the fish kept stressing the pH. I guess the best thing to do is acclimate the new fishes to the existing pH slowly.

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