Swordtails Getting Very Sick


New Member
May 8, 2007
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Right heres my prediciment... I had 2 Pregnant swords ( probably about a week left till they dropped). I noticed one of them was sitting in the corner of the tank and not swimming around at all :(. later on the second fem was doing a similar thing.

I though they might have been closer to dropping than i thought so i moved both the preg females to my rearing tank.

when i moved them, i noticed both fish had slightly tattered fins and they were a little bit white n fluffy at the ends (possibly being harassed by the other fish if they've been i'll and vunrable in the comunity tank)
Within a couple of hours one of them was just being bounced around the bottom of the tank (seeming unable to float) She'd swim upto the surface then as soon as she'd stop swimming, she drop staight back down to the bottom of the tank and sit there.

Sadly she died with in a couple of hours :(

Now i've woke up this morning and the second fem (looks hevily preg) Is stuck at the bootom of the tank

Same symptoms as the first female... But her gills are opening real wide when she's breathing and she's panting like mad and very rapid :(

Think im going to loose another mum to be.

Whats Causing my 'mum 2 be' swords to become ill :(

Cheers people!!



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First of need to look at your water stats in ammonia,nitrite,nitrate, and ph.
So the fins were ragged with white fluff on them, and swim bladder problems.
I would add a bacterial med to the tank.
You will need a bacterial med for the fins.
But don't forget that fry can press on the swim bladder causing the fish to look like they have swim bladder.
:( Thanks wilder ... sadly both Fems Died :(
Last Stats:

PH - 7.4
Nitrate - 40
Nitrite - 0
Amonia - 0.25

Went to the LFS to get some treatment and she said that the batch of swords that i bought My Fems from was a 'bad batch' and they've lost quite a lot :(:( She said when they treat thier tanks and get fresh fish in she will replace mine.

Doesnt really help matters now though does it :(

And to top it all off they'd ran out of Bacterial treatment... I all ready have Fungus treat ment... or aqua safe that has Anti bac treatment in it.

Which would you sudgest??

The remainder of my fish are fine and i still Have one pregnant Sword :D

all is not lost!!

Could be though if i dont get my tank treatment sorted.

You have ammonia reading water change.
Use both of the meds but increase areation in the tank.
Good luck.

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