Swollen Mouth


Fish Fanatic
Nov 25, 2006
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Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
My male krib's mouth is very swolen when u look at him head on it looks like he cant even close it when hes breating or doing that open close open close mouth things fish do...and one of my rummy nose tetras mouth is the same color as its body (not red like it should be) however there is still red closer to the tail behind the eyes.......this wasnt always so....any ideas on treatment?
Can you post water stats in ammonia,nitrite,nitrate,and ph.
Sound like a very bad bacteria infection, sounds like the fish has a sore in its mouth.
The tail region are they red patches or red beneath the skin, or red streaking.
no i meant the face, cuase rummy nose tetras have red faces, the tails are totally fine and so is their behavior just one out of four instead of having an entire red face the front of the lips are grey, the same color as their body, i dont have a test kit...and im writing finals ill try to get some time to go down to the pet store to do a test
If what I have in my tank is this columnaris, what would be a good medication to purchace in order to heal my fish, I live in Canada so im not sure whats available but give me some names if u can and ill look into it

Thanks fo rall your help on here, guys
If you can issolate antibiotics like tetracycline.
Maracyn one and two, maracyn plus, triple sulphur med.
I decided to take some photographs sorry if some of them are poor quality I have been practicing with my camera lately


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Got to get treating fast yes it mouth fungus columnaris, just lost my neon tetra to it.
Triple Sulfa by Aquarium Pharmaceuticals
Medication for the treatment of Cotton Mouth, Fin and Tail Rot, Furunculosis, Body Slime, and Eye Cloud. For fresh and saltwater fish.
and two more, sorry for all the posts it wouldnt let me post all four photos in one reply


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MELAFIX? or would aquarium salt be better and how muhc do i put in....and your saying no antibiotics right now right?

*edit* and i take it this is why my kribs havent bread in a long time
Melafix is no good for mouth fungus a bad strain can soon rot the mouth away and other fish have it to so it not good.
You will have to get a bacterial med.

Look under bacterial meds.

Do you have any other meds in the house.

Till you can get a med turn temp down, as it multiplies faster in warmer temps.

I would only advise using antibiotics in issolation as not only do they wipe the bacteria colony out, fish build a resistance up to them as well.
There are like 1000 medications there and they are all for different things. The melafix says it works for mouth fungus but u said dont use that, is there any specific one i should go out and buy im so confused...and im looking under bacterial meds, and im curing a fungus shouldnt I be looking under fungus?;...sorry im new to this ive never had sick fish since i started up 4 years ago and that was just ick...if you would be kind enough as to reccomend a few different names i will go to my lfs asap and pick out one and start threatment.....thanks for all your help
Yes some fungal meds treat it.
But columnaris is bacterial.
Just tell the lfs you need a med to treat flexibactor columnaris mouth fungus.

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