Help Is It The Dreaded Tb

andy willis

New Member
Feb 27, 2007
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Help Guys
I have returned home from work tonight to find that 3 of my Male Guppies have very thin bodies and there backs seem to curve down quite dramatically.
Also one of my Blue Rams seems to be suffering as its tail has gone very thin and closed up.
Do you think it is the dreaded TB
I have removed the poorly fish.
I have treated the tank with Myacsin tonight.
I phoned my local vet for advice but they said I must find a specialist.
How can i find out if it is definately TB?
We are all devasted, especially the kids.
I don't know what to do as the other 12 or so fish seem fine.
It is very upsetting as we have only got into tropical fish since august last year and have spent alot of time and effort building our aquarium up.
Almost nightly we have been viewing this forum for advice as we have found it fascinating.

Thanks guys
Andy and family
Bent spines and being thin can also be internal parsites.
Whats it look like when the fish goes to the toilet.
Seen any red or white worms prutruding from the anus.
Is the anus red and inflamed, or enlarged.
The med do you mean myxazin.
Bent spines and being thin can also be internal parsites.
Whats it look like when the fish goes to the toilet.
Seen any red or white worms prutruding from the anus.
Is the anus red and inflamed, or enlarged.
The med do you mean myxazin.


I will check the poo
Sorry yes I did mean Myaxacin
Not seen any worms though.
Put a link up for you flubenol that the best med for them.
You will need to treat the whole tank they are nasty parasites and do alot of damage to the insides of the fish, causing bacterial infections on top.
You will need to treat the whole tank they are nasty parasites and do alot of damage to the insides of the fish, causing bacterial infections on top.
No signs of any worms and there anuses don't look inflamed.
What do you think
Whatever it is has happened really quick as the blue ram's tail seems very long and thin.Last night it looked fine.
Its one or he other hard to say to be honest as the symtoms are pointing towards them both.
Just a waiting game for now sorry.

Symtoms to watch out for.
Its one or he other hard to say to be honest as the symtoms are pointing towards them both.
Just a waiting game for now sorry.

Symtoms to watch out for.

Here are a couple of photos of one of my poorly male guppies and german blue ram.
Can you take a look.
If you don't believe me take a look at these symtoms, what you are describing is tb to internal parasites.
We can only try and help but we can't say for sure what going off, you need a vet for that they have excess to testing.
If you don't believe me take a look at these symtoms, what you are describing is tb to internal parasites.
We can only try and help but we can't say for sure what going off, you need a vet for that they have excess to testing.
Its not that i dont believe you.
I couldn't work out how to add images to your reply so I started a new post.
Thanks very much for your help.
I phoned the vets tonight but they don't deal with fish.
Great help
Well I have guppys and mine had internal parasites never had tb.
I would get that parasite med as you have nothing to lose as they carry them anyway, thats the best advice I can offer you.

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