In This Vid Is She Preg?

well it takes a fish a long time to recover from abborting the fry, give her some time .
oh i didnt know that

right if you can get onto youtube anyone type in beccabots ( my username) into search then click on my video which says 'pregnant?' then u shud see it.
should not be a major problem nuless he harrasses her all the time.
should not be a major problem nuless he harrasses her all the time.
well he does quite alot but when i have lloked at night he doesnt usually so thats ok

thanks for all ur help i shall keep an eye on her when she starts getting fat :) i just have to be patient dont i :lol: hard for me i ahve never had fry before but i was so close to having some. well atleast when shes about to have them i cant put her in a breeding net so the male doesnt harrass her when shes close to having them. i think thats what happened because he doesnt chase the other female as much because shes smaller and younger but i may be wrong anyway thanks again :)
a best way to get a pregnant fish is to leave them be. me gupppie had a gravid spot that small i let her be e.g swim around freely and not much water changes and didn't think about it and one day i come home and it gav birth. i have to say stress is a mager cause of it.
a best way to get a pregnant fish is to leave them be. my guppies had a gravid spot that small i left her be e.g swim around freely and not much water changes and didn't think about it and one day i come home and it Gave birth. i have to say stress is a major cause of pregnancy. i have to say it looks like it might get pregnant but try not to think of it and soon u will see it get bigger and then u have a batch of fry. just image ur the fish and every time u spend moving stuff and going near it scaring it, image how angry u would get.
a best way to get a pregnant fish is to leave them be. my guppies had a gravid spot that small i left her be e.g swim around freely and not much water changes and didn't think about it and one day i come home and it Gave birth. i have to say stress is a major cause of pregnancy. i have to say it looks like it might get pregnant but try not to think of it and soon u will see it get bigger and then u have a batch of fry. just image ur the fish and every time u spend moving stuff and going near it scaring it, image how angry u would get.
ok ye i understand u there. well i hope the male doesnt bother her to much. thats wahts bothering me because he tends to go after the 1 female instead of the other. well i will just try to stop thinking about fry and her breeding and see what happens. thanks
someone has just replyed on my youtube vid ( preg?) and said yes shes has a dark gravid spot and shes fat then said u will have babys soon. which ones right? yes or no?

also i think shes getting fatter each day this is the pic of her from today.


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??? shes lookin fatter again this morning! i think! lol
yer i think it is pregnasnt but u should wait awhile. how many guppys do u have. male females and how may neons. neons love eating fry i saw my neons going on a killing sprey
yer i think it is pregnasnt but u should wait awhile. how many guppys do u have. male females and how may neons. neons love eating fry i saw my neons going on a killing sprey
umm i have 4 guppys( 2 fmales 2 males) and 3 neons 1 died a few days ago :sad:

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