

New Member
Jul 19, 2003
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i got a ramshorn snail. check him out. i'd like to get more as my other fish haven't been messing with this snail at all yet... and i'd like to get more snails to make more snails. :) after i post these pics i'm gonna try to find out all i can about ramshorn snails. tell me what you think. peace.



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aaaaaaaaand one more.


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I like the snail, how did you get a car in your aquarium :kira:
yo -

i don't think you should have much trouble finding some. this guy was $1.30 at the lfs. pretty cheap. peace.

I was told they need to be out of water to reproduce.....when I got mine :unsure:
However, they all died and now I have MANY baby ramshorn snails.....dunno how many....too small to see them all :p

Chris :ninja:
There are 2 different types of ramshorns. They type in the picture is not a true ramshorn, it is an apple snail. Ramshorns are smaller, have no trapdoor, and no stripes. The Columbian Ramshorns (above pictures) lay eggs underwater in 'bubble' sacs. I've got about 100 of eggs, that I am hoping will hatch soon. :D
Columbian Ramshorns (aka marisa) are a very good snail. The others are breeding machines. A good place to go for information and possibly getting snails like the columbian ramshorn, is www.applesnail.net
Exelent... any one want to come and sort out my favorites menu?
I'm sufficating in good links.

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