How Long Until Birth?


Fish Crazy
Jan 18, 2007
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how long do u think she has left this is my other female that i think is preg but not sure how long she has left.[post=""]a video of her[/post]


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ild say she has a few more weeks yet, she isnt huge or big and rounded yet. with females of this colour u can see the frys eyes where the gravid spot normaly is
how is ur red one doing
shes fine shes looking a bit rounder again but im not sure if she had them or not she must of though because she went quite thin when i looked at her in the morning. i still havnt seen any fry .
it took me a few days because they are so small. then after they starsted eating i noticed them
it took me a few days because they are so small. then after they starsted eating i noticed them
oh right ok thanks i cant wait to find them lol. how many do u think she had looking at the size she was.

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