tank is fairly new (probably 3-4 weeks)
Tank size: 20gal
pH: 6.8
ammonia: not sure
nitrite: not sure
nitrate: not sure
kH: not sure
gH: not sure
tank temp: 77F
Fish Symptoms (include full description including lesion, color, location, fish behavior):
white film on fish's sides, 2 of them died with their mouths wide open and one with its gills flared (other 2 were both plecos so not sure about their gills) the most recent one to die lost a lot of its coloring when it died. all 3 fish were bottom dwellers (pictus catfish, and 2 plecos)
Volume and Frequency of water changes:
after the first fish died we did a 1/3 water change (made sure the new water was the same temp as what was in the tank)
Chemical Additives or Media in your tank:
after the first fish died (about 2 weeks ago) we thought it was an ammonia problem (had some goldfish in the tank, removed now) so we did a 1/3 tank water change and used a water conditioner by "tetra" called aquasafe
after the 2nd fish died (pleco) we started a fungus treatment because he had what looked like a fungus. the treatment is by API and is called "liquid fungus cure" it doesnt say what the active ingredient is on the bottle
Tank inhabitants:
8" reed fish (rope fish), 2 pearl goromi, 3 kuhlii loach, 1 lg pleco, ghost shrimp (feeder fish)
(dead): pictus catfish, gold flake pleco, normal pleco
Recent additions to your tank (living or decoration):
the goromi, 3 loachs and the gold flake pleco were added after the catfish died
also there were 2 live plant bulbs added to the tank since the catfish died (a lily and a aponogaton)
Exposure to chemicals:
no external chemicals should be near the tank, at most smoke from the wood stove here and there
Digital photo (include if possible):
not really sure on how to put the pic onto this post so i added it as an attachment... its not the best thing ever but you can see the white on the sides of the pleco mostly starts after his dorsal fin he also lost all the gold coloring in his dots and the black coloring faded quite a bit.
Tank size: 20gal
pH: 6.8
ammonia: not sure
nitrite: not sure
nitrate: not sure
kH: not sure
gH: not sure
tank temp: 77F
Fish Symptoms (include full description including lesion, color, location, fish behavior):
white film on fish's sides, 2 of them died with their mouths wide open and one with its gills flared (other 2 were both plecos so not sure about their gills) the most recent one to die lost a lot of its coloring when it died. all 3 fish were bottom dwellers (pictus catfish, and 2 plecos)
Volume and Frequency of water changes:
after the first fish died we did a 1/3 water change (made sure the new water was the same temp as what was in the tank)
Chemical Additives or Media in your tank:
after the first fish died (about 2 weeks ago) we thought it was an ammonia problem (had some goldfish in the tank, removed now) so we did a 1/3 tank water change and used a water conditioner by "tetra" called aquasafe
after the 2nd fish died (pleco) we started a fungus treatment because he had what looked like a fungus. the treatment is by API and is called "liquid fungus cure" it doesnt say what the active ingredient is on the bottle
Tank inhabitants:
8" reed fish (rope fish), 2 pearl goromi, 3 kuhlii loach, 1 lg pleco, ghost shrimp (feeder fish)
(dead): pictus catfish, gold flake pleco, normal pleco
Recent additions to your tank (living or decoration):
the goromi, 3 loachs and the gold flake pleco were added after the catfish died
also there were 2 live plant bulbs added to the tank since the catfish died (a lily and a aponogaton)
Exposure to chemicals:
no external chemicals should be near the tank, at most smoke from the wood stove here and there
Digital photo (include if possible):
not really sure on how to put the pic onto this post so i added it as an attachment... its not the best thing ever but you can see the white on the sides of the pleco mostly starts after his dorsal fin he also lost all the gold coloring in his dots and the black coloring faded quite a bit.