Aqua One Cube

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Jan 8, 2007
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Hi,just found a 12 cube £24.99. I think its about 6 gallons uk. Will be a nano reef (only 1 small fish). Would like a HOB filter which would suit this tank.Any ideas?
Many thanks Gerry


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okay get 2 - 3 kg of live rock (your filter)
a poewrhead pushing over 10 - 15 x he tank volume so 50 to 100 gallons per hour flowrate
good lighting either T5 tubes or PC tubes. could go MH but not really worht it for such a small tank
water changes every week (10%)

now since its a smaller tank it will probably be more invert based (crabs shrimp and all thing of that nature) with a few small corals (what the lighting is needed for)
as for fish you are probably going to have to get a small goby (nice fishand very colourful)
im also using an aqua one tank (its built hood and all that joby) and it never seems to fail me :good:

p.s sorry if you know all this stuff its just sometimes people dont :)
Where did you get that tank? im sorry this is off topic, i just really would like one for my betta
Decided on a aqua one clearview H500 hang on back its time for lights! This may take some time!!!

Got tank from Aquatic design centre London W1


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Just remember that the water movement of the filter will not be sufficient for the needs of the tank.

Hope you're going to sort that base out before setting up the tank up properly!
Was thinking of 2in brushed aluminium strip for base. Would 1 or 2 powerheads be needed in tank? Will this light ocean light 150 be good or should i get T5s?


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A 150 halide will more than cover a 12" square area. You could also consider a 70w model actually for that tank size if heat is going to be an issue. Other options are power compact flourescents in that size range. T5 lights dont come in lengths that small
how bout things like the screw in bubls that people use similar to the arc pod fittings

IMHO i would think that T5 power compacts x2 and an attinic tube would be enough for a 12" cube.. But if you cant find a fitted fixture and need to retro fit get a fan for ventalation.

I used T5 compacts once apon a time and they were really really bright a good choice for tanks like these.

Good luck :good:

- Matt
Halides may cause heating problems. The flow rate depends on what you want to keep in the tank. As for fish...I'm sorry but I wouldn't put one in there at all unless you are considering a neon goby. It's too small for a clown or most other nano fish. Remember....a 6 gallon nano tank is a challenge. You are a water keeper in a sense. Put a fish in there and you are going to have to feed it. Fish poop...excess food....forget it. Anything under 10 should be put together predominantly for reefkeeping only or for small crustaceans. You could keep hermits and some shrimp in there.

Just a helpful warning. SH
Exchanged 500 for 200 filter,smaller & silent!! Added agro sand & 2g of water. Decided on 2x24 pc for lighting. How much cured live rock should i add to begin cycle? When should i add the rest,thinking about 6-7lb in totall.


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