Breeding Bristle-nose


New Member
Jan 28, 2007
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Luton Bedfordshire
Hi Guys,

My male bristle-nose went missing over a week ago but I thought nothing of it as one of the pair stays out of site for a while. After a little cleaning of the tank I moved a castle ornament and to my amazement there where baby bristle-nose and a very protective Father. The babies are about 2cm long. My questions are;

1. How long will the parents look after there young?
2. Will any survive in community aquarium?
3. Any special requirements for the babies or just let nature take its course?

Any tips/ help would be appreciated as never had anything but Livebearers produce offspring.


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Congrats on the babies! Once the babies start moving around freely, the father will start ignoring them. I've had several batches survive and thrive in my community tank; in fact, I've had to separate the parents as they were producing a new batch every 3 weeks. They eat the same sort of stuff as their parents: blanched courgette, cucumber, lettuce, sprouts, algae wafers.
smithrc is the one to ask, he has bred a few of them ;)
congrates on the new arrivals. what have you got in your comunity tank? mine breed regulary but only a few survived as my pictus got a taste for them(i blame my pictus as they are both gutty fish!!). in the end i put them in a breeding net with regular cucumber and corgette and the occasional waffer until they reached a decent size. overall they seemed quite hardy.


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I have a pair of Kribensis, 6 Gouramis, 5 Guppies, 4 Swordtails, 4 Mollies, 15 Neons and 10 silvertips.

Noticed the father had left the castle the babies where in so checked and only found 1 baby left so put that in a breeding trap for now. He seems to be okay and put a little cucumber in for now. Just hope he survives.

Got a 30litre tank set up now if they breed again to transfer little one's into.

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