My New Tank Setup

James Squire

New Member
Jan 22, 2007
Reaction score
Melbourne, Australia
Just thought I'd post a few piccies of our new tank.

We are relatively new to this so any comments are encouraged. The tank is 3ft, 120Litre with undergravel filtration. It was bought secondhand and running with a Clown Loach and Siamese Flying Fox living in it. I brought the tank home with gravel, filter and a couple of inches of water still in it to try and keep the bacteria alive.

After bringing the new water up to temp and settling my water conditions the lfs gave me the nod to re-introduce the Loach and Flying Fox (which they had babysat!) back into the tank along with my little Dwarf Flame Gourami. The tank will eventually become a livebearer tank for my Platies and Guppy's to move into once I've transferred them from my little 30Litre tank. Anyhow, heres the pics.

What do you all think, have I done ok for a newb?





My only comment would be to add a dark background - it'd really set it off.

Other than that - fantastic job, nice and natural looking ..... and loving that budda :good:
I like your layout, but I think that you have a non-aquatic plant in there - the plant with the white stripes along the edges of the leaves. I think it's a draceanea (sorry, can't spell it). It may last a couple of months, but it's won't thrive and would do better if you pulled it and potted as a houseplant!
I like your layout, but I think that you have a non-aquatic plant in there - the plant with the white stripes along the edges of the leaves. I think it's a draceanea (sorry, can't spell it). It may last a couple of months, but it's won't thrive and would do better if you pulled it and potted as a houseplant!

Ooh, bugger...

I didn't realise. We bought them from the fish shop straight out of their plant tanks. Guess I'll have to see how well they go.

Thanks for the heads up though.

I like your layout, but I think that you have a non-aquatic plant in there - the plant with the white stripes along the edges of the leaves. I think it's a draceanea (sorry, can't spell it). It may last a couple of months, but it's won't thrive and would do better if you pulled it and potted as a houseplant!

Ooh, bugger...

I didn't realise. We bought them from the fish shop straight out of their plant tanks. Guess I'll have to see how well they go.

Thanks for the heads up though.


LFS are good at putting in non-aquatic plants into there aquatic plants section, im sure they know what they are doing.... its all about making the £££
Something to do with ... if a plant can stay up straight on it's own then it's non-aquatic.

Keep a good eye on it if you're not going to take it out, in case it starts to rot - not good.
looking good, i once had one of those white striped plants in my tank, few months down the line, dead.removed it of kimA said, if the plant can stand up on its own without water then its not an aquatic plant, if it flops down, they its water safe. im sure they are acceptions tho.
You tank looks great to me :good:

I agree that adding a backround would be a good idea.

Also you should pick up at least two more clown loaches. They are very fun to watch in groups :D
Also you should pick up at least two more clown loaches. They are very fun to watch in groups :D

Quoting the usual, lol, wouldn't the 1 clown loach end up too big for a 120L tank realistically?

...just thought I'd beat someone else to it for a change ;)
Quoting the usual, lol, wouldn't the 1 clown loach end up too big for a 120L tank realistically?

...just thought I'd beat someone else to it for a change ;)

I was wondering about that actually. As I mentioned, the clown loach came with the tank and I was interested in knowing if it's going to eventually outgrow the tank? Is this true? He's already a reasonable size at about 3 1/2 inches long....


Clown loaches need to be in small groups. Your tank is too small for that. You might also find that the flying fox becomes aggressive as it matures.
And yes that plant is non-aquatic.

Apart from that it looks good so far!
clown loaches grow very slowly so you have plenty fo tiem to sort something out, but he'll almost definately reach 8" and they can even get up to 12. As others said they like to be in a group, i'm sure you can imagine that your tank is not big enough for 5/6 8-10" fish.
It looks very nice. :good:

Id take that particular plant back to the LFS and confront them about it. Im sure they'll let you pick up a new one that can actually survive in an aquarium.
Sorry my bad I wasn't paying attention to tank size. :blush: But they do grow every very slow. Mine have grown maybe an inch in 3-4 years!! I just love them though, they are always playing it's very cute. If my pleco attaches to the side of the tank they enjoy doing circles around him. :lol:
Sorry my bad I wasn't paying attention to tank size. :blush: But they do grow every very slow. Mine have grown maybe an inch in 3-4 years!! I just love them though, they are always playing it's very cute. If my pleco attaches to the side of the tank they enjoy doing circles around him. :lol:

I know exactly what you mean - they're cute little whatsits :wub:

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