New Uv And External


Fish Fanatic
Feb 22, 2006
Reaction score
Morning all,

I posted a few days ago that i've got green water ( Jamesc / Sam suggested a uv.

As I've been toying with the idea for a while now about buying an external filter i thought why not and get a uv as well. So...

I bought a rena xp3 and a 15w uv vecton (b.t.w i've got a jewul 260 vision)

I plumbed it all in last night and i've got a few questions;

1. How long will it take to get rid of the green water?
2. Should my external make noise. It's not overly noisy but compared to my internal filter it is quite noisy.


Not had green water, but from what I hear it should clear in a few days. As for the external, which one is it? I find my eheim 2222 is very quite whilst my classic 2211 seems to 'rattle' a bit which makes it a bit noisy. I just put a pot on top and that helps. But in general externals should be very quite. Air bubble do get trapped in the filter when you first set it up which will make it noisy, but this should clear in a few hours.

we've a rena external (not sure on the model) and it's noisier than all the others combined :/
I bought a rena xp3. I'll give it a few days, see how it goes.

The water is already starting to look a little clearer so fingers crossed!!
Let us know how you get on. I have found with my nano that since putting the UV on, the water does look 'cleaner' somehow, it was never green but just looks that bit more crystal clear, which is nice when looking at the fish, if it does nothing else in my tank! :lol:

Well here it is, after the uv has been running for about 4 days. All the green has gone! I also did some moving around (as bloody usual, i can't make up my mind) which is is why it's a little murky!


This incarnation, has been running for about 4 months ish. Trying sand substrate for the first time, much better than gravel imo. I'm going to add some more plants soon, just browsing greenline now!

This incarnation, has been running for about 4 months ish. Trying sand substrate for the first time, much better than gravel imo. I'm going to add some more plants soon, just browsing greenline now!


Nice work... ;)

Russell (aswell)
Looks really nice :) nice lot of plants in there and the layout looks good, once the sags fill out a bit that should help too :)

Glad the UV worked :good:

Hi all
Thank god its not only me that changes my mind. I cant keep my hands out of the tank at the moment. Every day when hubby comes home from work it has all been changed round. I keep getting told off, but hey, I can handle it. No doubt it will have changed from the last time he saw it. :hey:
Nice tank by the way :good:

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