
Miss Wiggle

Practically perfect in every way
Mar 24, 2006
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just taking some pics of the fish, got a few of our kitties too

this is Lu-li... can't believe it but she's about 8 months old now, really starting to get all leggy and grown up :blink:

she was all asleep when i saw her


no mummy the flash hurts my eyes!!


oh alright, a bit of stroky cheek, but only to please you you understand


oh what hard work, back to sleep


:lol: she's so cute!

and miss mittens who's almost 4 now!! old lady!

this is her favourite spot, her evil lair we call it, although recently she's started letting lu-li share it with her. Now Lu-Li's growing up mitts is training her up as her evil sidekick to take over the world :hey:


if she thinks i'm asleep she might stop bothering me with that bloody camera

"Old lady"?!?!?! :lol: 4's nowt but a kitten. Dodge is nearly 10 and he's not even middle aged yet. :lol:

Gorgeous photos, gorgeous cats!

old compared to the kitten!! :lol:

thanks Kathy :D and stang1 :D
Awww! so cute :wub:
My kitten Cream is 8 months too but he's a fat cat. He's slepping on the couch right now, it's been about 2hrs he's asleep!
the kitten got spayed yesterday so she's very sleepy today too, running around the house with the lampshade collar is far too much work for her!
Aww, cute kitties! I like the 3rd pic, mid yawn :lol: Hope she feels better soon from the op. It's probably a nice break from the kitten madness for a couple of days for you as well! How long will she have to keep the flower pot on?
cute cats, i love cats, i have 2 i did have 3, garfield died at the age of 14, he was a smokey coloured persian.
but i still got Toby and BO
This is my british blue, 'BO' yes thats right 'Bo' it was his dads name. hes nearlly 2 years now.

this is toby i think hes around 8 years old
Aww, cute kitties! I like the 3rd pic, mid yawn :lol: Hope she feels better soon from the op. It's probably a nice break from the kitten madness for a couple of days for you as well! How long will she have to keep the flower pot on?

she's doing alright, been the vets today for her check up and she's all right, got the collar on for another 2 days.

funniest thing is you have to keep cleaning they're noses, she gets breakfast all over herself and can't clean it up :lol: :blush:

cute pics guppy man :)
:wub: Wow, can't believe how much she's grown since you got her. You have 2 gorgeous girls there. I love Mitts. She is so beautiful. I had a kitten back in South Africa who looked just like Lu-li.

Gorgeous pics all.

:wub: Wow, can't believe how much she's grown since you got her. You have 2 gorgeous girls there. I love Mitts. She is so beautiful. I had a kitten back in South Africa who looked just like Lu-li.

Gorgeous pics all.


yeah, until a month or so i didn't think she'd grown at all, then I saw some 8 week opld kittens and realised she's got massive! :lol: you don't see it if you see them every day :)
My cat Athena: What a princess she is.... she also loves fish keeping if you know what I mean :hey:


Lu-Li sings exerpts from Madame Butterly.
<Cue orchestra music>
<Cue loud Soprano voice>

"Comes a train of little ladyyyyyyyys, from scholastic trammels freeeeee, miow, yowwwwl, each a liitle bit afraid is, wondering what this worrrrrld can beeeeee"
:lol: :lol: :lol:


generally all she 'sings' at me is

feed me feed me feeeeeeeeeeed me, i'm very hungry mummy yes i'm very hungry mummy, won't you feeeeeeed me :rolleyes:

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