Dt For A 2.5g Planted Tank

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Retired moderator :)
Retired Moderator ⚒️
Aug 10, 2005
Reaction score
Miami, FL

I haven't purchased a betta in a pretty long time, I think since December last year. I setup this little pico planted tank. Don't worry, 2.5g is still plenty for a betta. I saw the fish at a LFS. A very pretty marble DT. I finally own a DT. I imagine he'll change colors in a month. :rolleyes:

I haven't named him yet, and I'm open to suggestions.





Thanks for looking. He's settling in nicely and ate well today. I like the tank so much that I think I may rotate my bettas so that each of them get to spend a little time in it.

llj :)
Great fish, fins are a little untidy but thats probably from being stressed in the LFS and all of that. That tank is only 2.5 gallons? He must be really small because that tank looks to be at least 5 compared to one of my bettas.

Edit: Hey I just realized, I have that filter on one of my bettas tanks as well as on my most successful killi parent tank. Got it from Drs. Foster and Smith site didnt you? Now that I've seen the filter that tank is for sure bigger than 2.5 gallons. I have that filter on my male CT's tank and its 2.5 gallons and the filter almost takes up half of the back of the tank. Are you sure its 2.5 gallons, it looks deeper also than my tanks.
Great fish, fins are a little untidy but thats probably from being stressed in the LFS and all of that. That tank is only 2.5 gallons? He must be really small because that tank looks to be at least 5 compared to one of my bettas.

Edit: Hey I just realized, I have that filter on one of my bettas tanks as well as on my most successful killi parent tank. Got it from Drs. Foster and Smith site didnt you? Now that I've seen the filter that tank is for sure bigger than 2.5 gallons. I have that filter on my male CT's tank and its 2.5 gallons and the filter almost takes up half of the back of the tank. Are you sure its 2.5 gallons, it looks deeper also than my tanks.

Actually his fins are in good shape. The finnage is transaparent and marbled so I can see how somebody would think they were untidy. Yep, only 2.5g, I just did the math to be sure. He's about average size as my bettas go. I've got smaller ones and larger ones. No didn't get the filter from Dr. Foster's and Smith, I purchased it from a LFS. It was on sale, a RedSea nano filter. The dimensions of the tank are giving the illusion of greater size, as are the plant choices and substrate size. Planting gives the illusion of depth.

llj :)
:D If I was a fish I would be in heaven with all that green. He looks like a Sinbad to me! :lol:
what kind of light is that over the tank? i have a bunch of 2.5 gallon tanks and that would work great for me.

It is a desk lamp from OfficeMax. The brand is Adesso, but it is made for OfficeMax. It has a 13W full spectrum CF bulb. It costs about $19, but mine was on sale for $15.

llj :)
Not a good idea, this will most likly cause stress on all the fish. :(

Uh, not a joke. I change out all my bowl bettas and rotate them in different bowls all the time. It gets them used to different surroundings and it encourages them to explore. Different decorations are also introduced. It keeps them stimulated. I also like to place certain bowls near each other so they can see each other. That helps too. Mine definitely don't sit around all day long and their have excellent color and are full of vigor. They're put in bags while the bowls are being cleaned, so it's like they're being acclimated to a new tank every water change. How else would you clean out a tank for a betta? I really don't see how allowing one of them to spend a month or two in a planted aquarium is going to cause much more stress than a bi-weekly bowl cleaning. Might actually cause less if you look at it from my standpoint. I appreciate your concern, DiscusLova, and perhaps I should have been more detailed with my explanation. Perhaps it is just a difference of opinion. You have to know the personality of your fish. I wouldn't do it to for example; Loge or Gunther, but Mime, Alberich, Sigmund, Donner, and the new guy would probably enjoy it.

But I really don't want to get into a debate about what fish perceive or how they feel or what we believe is best for them. We'll never know. All I can do is judge based on how they look and how they behave.

llj :)
Just a great tank! I am looking forward to more pics of ???

He looks like an elfin fairy. I only know Shakespeare. There is Puck, of course, the imp, and the one on the island where they were shipwrecked. But he was angry, lonely, and perhaps ugly as I remember. I think my Shakespeare is in storage. :/ Wagner has lots of dwarfs--not the same...SIGH...oh, well getting muddled again. The Russians and Irish have some lovely creatures. Tinker Bell is a girl.... processing......

I was looking for some lovely window paneish fellow, but I didn't fancy the one they had.

Oh! Oh! Oh! What is the name of that lovely fairy warrior in the Trilogy with Gandolf? <<Mud for brains>>

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