Loach ?

They do become aggressive. as they get bigger they go off algea and prefere to eat the slime coat off your other fish. They have been known to eat the eyes too. I just took 3 back to my LFS that came with my second hand tank. They weren't suprised that I didn't want them. I asked who generally keeps them and they said "only people who want to keep them because they are interested in that particular". They said the other type of tank is a cichlid tank where the cichlids are aggressive enough to defend themselves and stop it attacking. Not sure if thats true but thats what i was told
Will these ottos live in room temp tank, ie approx 21 - 22 degrees ?

My tank is 22C and they do just fine. Though don't go lower than a constant 21C. I take it your tank has a heater ?
This is mine tucking into a piece of melon, he's about 6" now still not agressive but he can hold his own if anything picks on him, he needs his room and some hiding places.

My friends think he's ugly and have nicknamed him Penis Fish, I think its a little unfair but I do like the odd looking fish!


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I can see where the name comes in !
no, no heater , all coldwater fish ... apparantly ?

I am growing to like my cae, tried him with a small cucumber bit but he never touched it, the danios and barbs loved it tho

Me again !

I am starting to lose faith in the fish shop that i previously thought to be so good !
They recommended the little CAE ( called it a golden sucking loach) since then i have joined u lot and feel that you cant all be wrong when you ID'd the fish as a CAE ... yes , i trust you !

Popped back into the dealer today as i was passing and asked a few questions ... is that a chineses algae eater ? ,,,,, naaa replied, its a golden sucking loach. Don't they grow to about 8" and start sucking the other fish ? ,,,, Naaa they're good community fish ! Then i noticed Siamese fighters in tiny 4" x 3" x 10" high 'tanks' looking very sad and out of breath ... should i be alarmed and looking for another dealer ????

Also reckon the Siamese fighter would be ok in unheated tank

Gaz :no:
Then i noticed Siamese fighters in tiny 4" x 3" x 10" high 'tanks' looking very sad and out of breath ... should i be alarmed and looking for another dealer ????

Also reckon the Siamese fighter would be ok in unheated tank

Gaz :no:
That, in most shops are the norm. And probably better than the alternative where they are stuck into community tanks and end up terrorizing (or vice versa) tankmates.

But why don't you check out the UK Fish Store Directory and see if there is a good shop close to you.

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