Nick's Bogwood 55 Gallon


Fish Fanatic
Aug 29, 2006
Reaction score
Washington, USA
Hey everyone,

Since my last ' topic ' on this site I made of my tank It was quite plain and not so great looking. Since than I have put in a nice piece of wood in the middle for a centre piece, along with a totall re-arrangment of my plants. I have also added a few plants. Today, 10-2-06, I picked up a new plant and 6 Cardinal Jumbo Tetra's. Tank is looking good just playing the waiting game! Here are a few pics.


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Nice Tank. I'm interested into what these Cardinal Jumbo Tetras are, could you upload a picture of them. If you were looking for a natural look you sure got it :p
You've nailed the natural look! :good: Looks great, the driftwood is lovely.
Nice Tank. I'm interested into what these Cardinal Jumbo Tetras are, could you upload a picture of them. If you were looking for a natural look you sure got it :p
Thanks, They really are awesome fish. They are still getting used to the tank so they dont have full colours yet. You can tell the difference from them and my neons for sure! I will try to upload a pic Asap.

To everyone else thanks for the comments! I'm so glad it looks natural now...Such an improvement I think from previous stage of the tank. Keep the comments coming! Thanks

Nice Tank. I'm interested into what these Cardinal Jumbo Tetras are, could you upload a picture of them. If you were looking for a natural look you sure got it :p
Hey I couldnt get a good enough picture of my cardinal's so I decided to do a little surfing the web to find them. Here's a pack of them. Comparing them to Neons, the Cardinals have a different color tone, not just light blue, and also they have a red stripe on the bottom of them from tip to tail.

Update 10-3-06
In the pic's above you can see on the left of the tank to " Amazon Sword " type plant which is pretty big. Well I decided today to split it in half ( which included killing a few roots ) and I put half on the left and half on the right to fill up space on the right. Hopefully they will regroup there roots and be as healthy as it was.

nick :blink:


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I've heard you guys are good with aquascaping. I need some help on positing my plants...I dont know where to put them to make the tank look deeper/bigger/better/natural( more natural i mean )

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