Rays From K.o.d, Thanks Steve


Leader of the Fishes
Feb 8, 2003
Reaction score
I picked up 3 new rays from K.O.D this morning so i thought i would post some pics since they have settled so well, less than half an hour in the tank and all 3 are feeding already :hyper:

All 3 and my original male in the front right corner searching for prawns


Big female motoro and larger orbygini have a munch in the corner


Big female checking out the fire eel


All in all a very smooth and easy transaction into their new home.
Awesome CFC, there lovely, glad it all went so well :good:
Are they in the 205?
Presumeing they are....

Very nice, MIkey
glad they are doing well :good: its good when they start feeding straight away puts your mind at ease a bit.i was tempted into taking that female off k.o.d.s hands too.i hope they breed for ya
Thats brilliant it's nice to see they have settled quickly, and I could not have asked for a better home.

glad your family enjoyed the zoo too :D
Very nice :good:
How did you transport them? I always wondered how people get the bigger fish from pet shops
OMG, you actually bought some more rays!!!!
Now you have one more than I, I had better catch up.
Nice looking, and good to hear that they are eating!
Hopefully the icequeen (awww that is what Def used to call me :-( ) will not beat them up. Good luck and hopefully you will have some babies!
Congrats CFC!!!!

(*Earthgirl now thinks that she might buy an orb that is for sale that is 4 hour drive away to keep up with CFC*) ;)
The Pangasius isnt mine, some friends of ours bought it about a year ago with the intention of buying a bigger tank but it grew faster than expected so they asked me to look after it until they got the new tank, unfortunately they no longer want the fish back and have left it to me to rehome it which is proving difficult as no one wants a 14" pangasius cat (including me).

Space its not as bad as it looks, all the fish were in one place because thats where the food was

When theyre not all trying to squeeze into one half of the tank it looks like this


throw a handfull of food in and suddenly the front right corner is the place to be


The tank is overstocked i know but once ive found new homes for the pangasius and the severum that arent supposed to be in there it wont be quite as bad
lovely fish, I wish I had a tank big enough for some monsters like that!
Thats brilliant it's nice to see they have settled quickly, and I could not have asked for a better home.

glad your family enjoyed the zoo too :D

certainly did - thanks to you and your mrs for the hospitality - though if any of your dogs go missing it wasn't me (what Akita??? :angel: )
Space its not as bad as it looks, all the fish were in one place because thats where the food was

I was just kidding :p
Whats your plan for your new fish room, any more big fish or bigger tanks? :drool:

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