Good To Be Back

Sep 8, 2005
Reaction score
North Carolina
Hey everyone, sorry I have been gone a long time, I had to leave for a while and relax (so much stress)

Anyway here's Athena:

she is rather enormous, and i agree looks like a pk male. Look for the ovipositer right behind the ventrals, looks like a little white dot thats kind of sticking out. If your betta has it its a female.
It does if you dont see the white spec like in this pic.
It does have a creamy white body so it would be a bit harder to see. Also its fins are too long to be a PK my 2 have really short fins. in that picture "her" fins droop down. im guessing its a very old female vt. unless he can not find a little oviposter
That's no plakat, no matter what the sex :lol:
Looks like a young male VT to me; if so, his fins will develop further as he ages.
one of my females looks almost Identitical to that only her fins are red red red. and I can see the oviposter thing too

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