My New Vt


Fish Crazy
May 14, 2006
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Hi, Hes been in his tank for about a week now and he's eating fine, and hes already built a bubble nest so he seems to be settling well. I chose Custard for a name (thought it seemed to suit his colour :) ) Sorry about the picture quality but i had to take the pics on my phone.




If there looks to be anything wrong with him please say, i'm new to the bettas :good:

EDIT: I just put the bridge in today after the first water chnge, and since hes gone back in (about an hour) hes been flaring his fins at it, its wore off now but should i take it out just in case?

Very cool name, suits him well. I like the tank he's in... and he looks happy too! :nod:

Edit: Welcome to the wonderfully addicting world of bettas. :hyper:
Is that 10 gallons? :fun: What a spoiled fish! :lol: He looks lovely, and it's nice to see a newbie who isn't cramming their betta in a wine glass. :good:
Nice betta, I love yellows. As for the bridge thing he should get used to it but if he obsessively flares at it like 24/7 you might want to take it out but it should be fine.
:drool: I love yellow bettas...never seen one in real life but if I do it will be mine! :lol:

edited just to say one of my boys has a bridge and there are holes in top and he squeezes through so watch yours dont damage his fins if it is the same sort.
Custard is a cutie! He looks very healthy. And good on you for getting him such a nice big tank, it looks awesome. If he has stopped flaring at the bridge now, he is probably not going to start again.

Welcome to the world of bettas!
He is one lovely fishy! i used to have a yellow and white marble VT he was a stunner aswell :) and a 10 gallon for himself? i had a betta in a 10 gallon at my old house then i had another in a critter keeper next to him. I think Romera got a bit jealous of him :p

lol no, hes only in a 2.5, but hes still quite small so it looks pretty big compared to hikm, i'm hoping to move him to a 5 gallon when he grows

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