New Betta Of The Year


Fish Fanatic
May 31, 2006
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I just got my first betta of the year from PETSMART here in Illinois, she's a small looks almost pure cream color but doen's have the shiney yellow glare, so I'm not exactly sure what color she is or going to be. I went into PETSMART just to relax and look at the fish after a long work day and noticed that they had a few females, most were clear with color in their fins and then I saw her..., she was pure clear cream, yellowish and very small and I knew I hadn't got my tank set up for a betta this year but I couldn't let it pass so I got her, they are regularly 1.99--their on sale for .99 cents. I lost my bettas over the Winter (9 in total) don't know what happened, the water temp, feeding and changes were all good---I had 5 females and 4 males. Only got one today hoping that she'll enjoy her new home and God forbid that she'll die on me. She will be in a 5 gallon hexagon tank with gravel and decor all by her little lonesome--have her getting acclimatized to water temp now so it shouldn't be anymore than about another 30 minutes before she goes into her new home. I will do all I can to not allow her to die including babing her, with all the great info that I've recieved on this site I'm sure I can't fail.
It's been about 9 hrs. for her in the tank and she sure does look tiny in there, but she seems to be having a good time swimming under and through the ornaments. I tried to feed her last night---HIKARI Betta Bio-Gold----she went for it with no problem, however she couldn't get it in her mouth----any suggestions on what to do? This is what I did, don't know if it's right or not---I took a spoon and took two balls of the food and smashed it a bit and then put it into the tank for her to eat, is this O.K. or should I do something different? I was also thinking that frozen bloodworms might be easier for her to consume, I know the bettas I had last year gorged on them. Any suggestions would be highly appreciated. I'm not quit sure on how to do the photo's I have no digital camera--kind of behind in the times I suppose, I could try one of those disposible digital cameras from walmart but I'm not sure if they'd work--also have a NIKON 35MM I'll try and see what I can do and send a pic or 2.
Smashing the pellets is fine. I have to do that for one of my females too. :)

Also, frozen bloodworms shouldn't be fed as a staple food but rather more of a treat. They do love them though and they're easy to get into little mouths. ^_^
Thanks you all it's nice to here that your doing the right thing. I think I'll try and get her some frozen brine this weekend and see if I can work on a good way of cutting the little balls in half, that might be a challenge. By the way is there any good flake food that bettas can eat that I can give her to help her further her along til at least she gets older.
Lucy.jpgAww, she sounds cute, she sounds like my little girl I got oevr a week ago that I named Lucy.

I also had trouble feeding her with the hikari pellets.


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