Finally! I Managed To Get A Good Picture Of My Betta!


New Member
Apr 29, 2006
Reaction score
Grimsby, UK

Meet Lee. A bit of a wildchild, and named after my brother, who is a bit mad himself.

Please could anybody tell me, how is he looking? Do you see any problems, is there anything you can tell me about him?

Thank you for your help...

Karl Croft

Here is another picture of him also...

It really does! Ive been trying to photograph my fish for some time. I gave up, and discovered recently, I wasnt using my camera properly. Ive only had it for a bout 3 years!! Thanks for the reply.

I'm very new to Bettas, I have fallen in love with them though, doe he look OK to you?
i swear i take 20-40 shots for 1 keeper! it takes practice. if you look at my profile you can tell when i just started(cruddy pics) to now(better cruddy pics) ahahah
Thanks! He is in a tank with, 5 Bronze Corys, 3 Alibino Corys, 10 Neons and 2 Guppies.

I know it is a bad idea to house him with Guppies, but I havent got anywhere for them. I'm trying to palm them of on my friend... Hopefully he'll take them...

It is hard to take photos of them. Your right, about 20 attempts per good photo. Mostly because they kep moving. At times I'll have a perfect shot, then just as I press the button, a Cory will swim between the target and the lens, knocking the focus off... It's still fun anyway...
He's beautiful! Looks almost exactly like my Ariel.


And he looks pretty healthy to me. I'm somewhat new to bettas, though, so I dunno how much water that observation holds. :)
A question also, when I first got him, his fins were not perfect, it seems he had been nipped a few times, and a pair of Zebra Danios had a go at him before I removed them from my tank... Do fish fins grow back as lovely as before? Or is it a "cowboy" job?

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