

Fish Crazy
Apr 25, 2006
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hey i just recently spotted a little thing on my glass and it looked just lik a starfish in the pic but it swims like a jelly fish, its clear and very small maybe its a baby ? or what it is it i cant find anything about it maybe you can tell me from this bad drawimg in paint it wouldnt capture on the camera. but ill post pix of my tank later hey i also got some type of tunicate or anenome on my live rock thats a hitchhiker for u.... ill get a pick later too but for now hopefully sum1 could tell me what my jelly friend is.... or star freind w/e, it swims up to the top and then slowly floats down and repeats jsut like jelly fish and i thought there was only one now theres 8 probably more .....??????


  • jelly.JPG
    25.9 KB · Views: 51
It looks like a Jelly. A pest species known as Aptasia, or glass anemone can look like that if they settle on the glass, but you say its free swimming, so It is unlikely an Aptasia. If it is a jelly, it would have come form your LR. Im un-aware of anyone other than public aquariums who keep any species of jelly alive for extensive periods. He will probably disapear soon.
BOLOCEROIDES MCMURRICHI ( The swimming anemone )

Unfortunately its a pest anemone, similar to Aiptasia :X
i looked at both of what it was suggested to be and it wasnt anything like it according to looks and the way it acts, heres a descripyion, it swims to the top of the tank and floats down then if it gets blown around it suctions to the glass maybe aiptaisa but looks nothing like it i got out a magnifieing glass, it is shaped just like a jelly swims like one maybe it is but im sure it wont live in a newly cycled tank and will sonn probably be sucked up by the filters. ive seen mroe and mroe this morning was about 12 but they are hard to find... one f them has little tentacles about an inch lng well thanks guys ttyl ;)
Well i hope for you sake its a jelly, because if its a swimming anemone 12 will soon become 50 :crazy:
well just in case it is, ive researched and it says a common baby jelly will hae a small white dot=brain, wich it does have, and then stinger tentacles that will wave around. for my sake i hope too, cuz they seem to be coming in numbers it all matched up to a baby jelly and the way it swims and acts, unfortianatley since that chance is slim how can i eradicate them if they turn out to be swimming anenomes what are they are there any forums on them?? it looks nothing like them, its clear one white dot in the center a bubble 1 mm long and then 9 tentacles or 8 w/e coming out of it with mintue stingers i really hope im right not yo cuz if you are it spells trouble i suppose, but wouldnt it be so cool if it was baby jellyfishes i know they probably wouldnt last long but if they did i could have a pet jelly fish,* doubtfully laughs* if they were ide just sell em or giv em away or something doesnt sound like a reef safe type guy...can u giv me as much info as what ude be wating to help me out with o these anenomes...

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