That thing in pic. 9 looks like a platypus!?! wacko.gif What is it?
This is how they clean at "Aquaria" in Kuala Lumpur
I was laughing so hard when I spotted the diver and realised he was just vacuuming like we all do but on a huge scale. It was funny.
There are some nice fish in there, but as CFC said, its not a "real" amazonian biotope!
I wonder why those arowanas fins look ragged, something in there must be a real bully, maybe piranhas at feeding time?
The pic of that guy cleaning the tank in Kuala Lumpur sure is funny, it looks like a big office water cooler bottle with the bottom cut off attached to a big hose!
Thats one of them bubble divers that go up and down in the tank innit...