Cj's 33 Gal

The October FOTM Contest Poll is open!
FishForums.net Fish of the Month
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New Member
Nov 1, 2005
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First of all let me just start by saying hello to everyone.

Now, the good stuff.

here are my tanks stats:

NO3 - 5ppm
PO4 - 0ppm ***ask a q later***
GH - 60ppm
KH - 50ppm
PH - 7.6
Fe - 0.5ppm - dosing ferts

*** My q: My Hagen Test Kit for PO4 says that the water will not change if there is 0 PO4, or will change to a blue tint depending on the amount of P04 in the water, here is my problem, mine stays Yellow!, how do I interpret this?***


9 Harlequin Rasbora
4 Red Eye Tetra
6 Nenon Tetra
6 Glowlite tetra
1 Weather Loach
1 Common Plec


Amazon Sword
Giant Hygrophilia
Vallisneria spiralis
Ludwigia repens - i think

So here are some pics as the tank is now, I want to add some glosso, and more plants. I will be going to the lfs tonight to get some plants and will post pics later or tomorow. I will also be adding a second nutrifin co2 kit soon.


here are some more...

I think this is Ludwigia repens can anyone confirm?


Ludwigia repens and Giant Hygrophilia mixed in (will look good once grown out more)

Since i decided i want plants while i had fish and no where to store them to add a nice subtrate......none! just liquid ferts and gravel.
Oh, from your pic it looks like you have a dark substrate under the white rocks. You could always mix in some stuff with rocks. Anyway, nice tank.
any recomended tabs? i pulled them up the other day and they each had two runners off them, cut them off then decided i wanted to forest of spirals, oh well live and learn
alright update time!.... not bad eh, less than 5 hours from thread starting and now theres an update!

I went out and bought 3 new species of plants, Cabomba caroliniana, Cabomba furcata, Anubias barteri var. angustifolia (''afzelii'')

here are some pics:


some more pics:

i didnt even know kh can go to 50ppm..guess i gotta start reading all the way to the end now :) ..you might wanna look into dosing some xtra ferts in there..u gotta good amount of plants in there now..what kinda lighting are you using..from your stats youll probably need more no3 and po4 for healthy growth..some have luck without adding more but most of us i think add to the tank..looks good though just wanna give some info.. :thumbs: great to see you like to have real plants in there..
fishkiller_nomore - I was at the lfs today and forgot to look for them, i will prolly be by there later today so i will look then

danski - I have the ferts here already, i just had some hair algae and other algae I want to clear up before i start dosing the ferts. I am dosing Fe and trace now, but will prolly add the NPK with in a week. The Algae is claering up nicely.


I have moved my equipment to the other side of the tank becaus ei didnt like the Cabomba flowing so much in the current. I have also added a second CO2 kit to the tank. other than that not much to update.


My Hagen Test Kit for PO4 says that the water will not change if there is 0 PO4, or will change to a blue tint depending on the amount of P04 in the water, here is my problem, mine stays Yellow!, how do I interpret this?

My Ludwigia repens hasnt even shown signs of rooting yet and leaves are floating off of some of them. Anyone have any idea how to get them to root? Possibly some root tabs in the gravel under them?

Thanks! Any and all advise, comments, questinons, constructive critism welcome! :nod:

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