This shrimp is so good it needs to be seen in wide
Well, heres my first tank photo ever. I need to get a better camera by the time he new fish get in. There are no fish in the tank is as yet, but im cycling. I have not much idea of what fish to put in, all I am certain of is a black ghost knife and my already owned spiny eel. To lighten the tank up I may be putting in some gourami's or brightly coloured fish and for foraging at the bottom I maybe putting in some small catfish. I'm trying to get a bit of a amazon look. Not much now, but I'm still patching it up. By the way, the bright light that looks like some angel coming to dawn over my tank is actually my super bright florencent lamp. My webcam has no flash so I needed it for light. Because of my cam not being too good, the tank may not be showing its full potential, but once I get my good camera I'll be giving you the tank works! I guess you could call this a teaser.