My Bichir collection


Fish Crazy
Aug 30, 2003
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nr brighton uk
I love polys(Bichirs) and have five species

Ornate x2
Saddled x1
Armoured x2
senagal x1
Palmas x2

so here are some pics of them

This my larger ornate (orni)


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My favorite bichir polypterus endlicheri(fluffy) silly name but he is cool 8)


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Those are quite the fish!!!! I like the tank as well! ;)
:D Wow david those are great bichirs!!!!! Im super jealous....I am just wondering where you get these diferent types of bichirs??? Across the pond here in the states all I can find are the plain old sengal bichirs cant remember the scientific name.... but i saw one in your pix......once again great fish dude!!!!! :D
Wow - David - cool fish.

I think we'd all like more info on tank, conditions, feeding etc...

Unusual fish are always of interest.
I'd hate to put my hand in that tank!! Still got all your fingers ? :lol:

Very cool fish though. I wanted one for my malawi tank but the shop guy said it'll eat them!
Hi Nik
The Tank is 120gal (60x20x30) with a 30 gal wet/dry sump filter with an ehiem 500 gal/hr return pump. I love odd fish so have ended up with quite a few.
Ornate (polypterus ornatipinnis) x2
Armoured (polypterus delhezi) x2
Senegal (polypterus senegalus) x1
marbled (polypterus palmas) x2
Saddled (polypterus endlichri) x1
Ropefish (erpetoichtys calabaricus) x3
Albino oscar (astronotus ocellatus) x2
Red oscar (astronotus ocellatus) x1
gold severum (heros severus) x1
Tyre track eel (mastacembelus armatus) x2
Needle fish (xenentodon cancila) x2
Shovelnose catfish (sorubim lima) x1
hoplo catfish (hoplosternum thoracatum) x1
Plus one or two other visitors from other tanks in the house.
They are fed on hikari cichlid pellets and sinking carnivore pellets. They mainly get fed on prawns, beef heart prepared by me to ensure that the meat is lean, salmon because it smells a lot which makes it easy for bichir’s to find and frozen gamma fish.
The water has the following parameters
Temp : 26-27 cel
Ammonia: 0ppm
Nitrite: 0ppm
Nitrate: 20-50ppm depending on feeding
Hardness(Gen) 12dh
Ph: 7.6
Thank you for all the nice comments

Cheers David:beer:

PS I've still got all ten fingers at the moment DG :-(
Nice collection of fish you have there mate!!!

I keep a very similar list of fish but minus the cichlids and i havent been able to find a saddled bichir anywhere yet.
Do you think you have space for another S.lima? If you do i would strongly suggest adding another one or two, they are similar to other pimeloids in behaviour and are quite sociable to others of their own kind, my one became much more active when i added the second one and they shoal and interact together all the time, i will be adding a third if/when i find one big enough to be added safely to the tank.

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