Snow !


Fish Crazy
Nov 26, 2004
Reaction score
Maidstone, Kent, UK
I am in South East England and the snow is GORGEOUS !

Some pics i took today..

my (parents) house:

my boy luke he rolls in the snow! :

swans on my parents lake:

the two ends of the lake:

a tree i thought looked cool:

my house from the other side:

the garden:

Zulie my rhideback she is 13 yrs old on the 8th Jan but still played in the snow !:

Hope you like them i love snow !
Lovely area Dulce, but birrrrrrrrr it sure looks cold, We had a hard frost over here last night and are expecting some snow tomorrow sometime.
Lovely pics.
I am very jealous. I've hardly seen any snow this year, and what I have seen has been in Holland. *goes to check which way the wind blows* ... Hopefully we'll get lucky tomorrow then!
Yes, it is gorgeous at the moment isn't it! Beautiful house too! I've taken a few picutres, but at the moment I can't be bothered to re-size!
Great pics. Love the house and the lake. I would love to have a house on a lake or pond as I love the water. On the pic of the gazebo, is the tree growing out of the top of it or just behind it? I wish we got more snow. If we're lucky, we get one or two snows a year and even then, I'm only talking 2 to 4 inches. Occasinally, we get a BIG snow of about 6 or 8 inches. We seem to get more ice than snow.

PS. Love the dogs too. A black lab we had years ago used to love to play in the snow too.
Wow. Great pictures. That looks like more snow than we have had here in Southern Ontario... We haven't had much at all yet which I'm sad about. I love the snow! Come on Jack Frost... Bring me the white stuff! lol.
RDD the tree is growing out of the middle, its an ark my parents built around the tree, we have 2 (evil) rescue barn owls Garbo and Flynn who live in it! the lake is great, my parents dont allow fishing and the carp are HUGE they come and eat the bread when we feed the ducks, my mum has named like 5 of them they are so friendly! occasionally my bro spins for pike as they get too big and start taking ducklings but we just relocate them to past the waterfall which the lake leads into.

Its so cool its snowed so close to christmas ! :wub:
Dulce i aslso live in south east england and my area must have been the only place that didnt snow!, i live in greenhithe about 5min walk from bluewater- You know it?
Dulce i aslso live in south east england and my area must have been the only place that didnt snow!, i live in greenhithe about 5min walk from bluewater- You know it?
I know it, I have friends down your way, one of my mates used to work at Blue Circle in Greenhithe. I spoke to one of them yesterday, they now live near Biggin Hill and they claimed to have loads of snow :rolleyes:

This is the scene near Calver (near Buxton) in the Peak District on my way back over from The Wirral yesterday. Just after I got over this hill is where the real snow was and it got quite scary driving down a few of the hills :crazy: which is why I hate snow.



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The bleak Mid-Winter..... Arfie
I remember when I fist left home for Bradford in the late seventies. I arrived at Bradford Interchange and the snow was 3' deep in places I had to lug my suitcase 3 miles through this. I was knackered when I got to the girlfriends house but it was all worth it as we are now married 25 years this year.
We had lots and lots of the lovely white stuff a few weeks ago... but now it's gone and all melted :( (grumbles about the rain.. )

I'm with you Jen... Bring on the Snow!!!

(hey Arfie... what are you complaining about? That just looks like a little dusting :p )

*runs away quick*
(hey Arfie... what are you complaining about? That just looks like a little dusting :p )

*runs away quick*
:lol: it was, thats enough to close England though :crazy: It was worse over the hill (left) towards my house. The roads were ungritted and I'm good at driving in the snow, but it scared the bejeezus :crazy: out of me, so I headed the long way around and back onto major roads.


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