New Oscar Pond Diary!

Well another day has gone by, and aload more rocks have been added as you can see. We have finished adding rocks, and will now be adding gravel around the sides and edges. Btw does any one know if oscars will eat the water lily's?
pond looks stunning :eek:
Well almost finished! Gravel has been put in the base, the shoulders, in between boulders to lock everything in place, cover the liner which is suseptible to UV rays, and plus it helps the ecosystem break down the nitrates. Also built a retaining wall behind the waterfall to help keep the soil in the pond area, and stop it from migrating to the pool which is adjacent. All to do now is fill with water, rinse out with sump pump three times to help clarify water quicker, plant the outside berms, plant the water plants, and set up the landscape lighting. We have already put in two underwater pond lights, plus one light glowing under the waterfall. Until we can get the electricians to hook up the main power we will not fill with water and run the filtration pump, as it need to run 24/7.

That doesnt look like 500 gallons! Looks awesome though. Can you put something by it for a size reference?

Well I'd imagine those square pavers that run across the front edge are probably 12" x 12", and there are 8 of them (so that's 96")...and the bricks on the porch floor are approx 4" wide (actually probably more like 3 3/4 or 7/8 but I'll say 4 just for good measure lol), and there looks to be about 28 of them along the side (so that's 112" = 9.33' )... and it looks to be approx. 2' deep. So you're looking at a dimension of 8' x 9.3' x 2' (this isn't counting the 2 attached pools you can see in the back that are attached by the stream, those must hold some good volume of water in themselves...especially the far back

I averaged the width to be 6' (take the 3 different widths ( 4,6,8 ) and add together and divide by 3 to get the average)

The length is 9.33.

I averaged the depth to be 1.83' (take the 3 differnent depths ( 1, 2, 2.5 ) and add together and divide by 3 to get the average)

I came up with 766 gallons. If that is correct, that's actually a great deal of water (or atleast according to the Pond Calculator (I used the irregular pond choice) I used anyways but I can't really factor in the 2 round pools in the back though.) but when you factor in the size of the rocks, it will make it hold less water because of the reduction in dimensions.

I'm very interested in the exact dimensions I can see if I viewed/based it correctly (this is going to be part of my job when I get through with what I'm studying for in school...being able to judge scale and dimensions that is).
SRC... I take it you are a math buff? I was confused just reading that! lol. I have always been bad at judging distances. I'm one of those people who need something for a size reference. Like if he said the shovel in the first picture is 10 inches wide, then I would be able to get the rest in comparison. I just need the first clue!
Actually I hate math :lol: but since the field I am studying for rely's heavily on math (doh) I've had to hone up some lol.

I'm usually pretty good at judging distances and hopefully that helps me out a bit...I'm still curious to know the exact dimensions of this one see if I was at least close.

Finding and average is quite easy though, but you have to know the measuremets.

Say you have a set of 6 different numbers (2, 23, 45, 15, 78, 45) you add those together (208) then divide by the amount of numbers you have (6), your average would be 34.67. :D You generally use this to find averages for business use (like sale trends, profit trends, ect.).
Finding and average is quite easy though, but you have to know the measuremets.

Say you have a set of 6 different numbers (2, 23, 45, 15, 78, 45) you add those together (208) then divide by the amount of numbers you have (6), your average would be 34.67. :D You generally use this to find averages for business use (like sale trends, profit trends, ect.).

I'm top notch at averages, and stuff like algebra (in school while no one could get algebra, I was the only one, so I taught everyone... the teachers couldn't get through to the class), but I can't do anything else.
LOL, I'm having trouble judging size too... It only looks about 6" deep to me :lol: Although I'd agree with the tiles being about 12" square, spades are normally about that size and the tiles look the same size as the spade head thingy. Will look great when its finished :D
I wouldnt say it my pond is 766 gallons, but he is a good guesstimator (sry for spelling). I think it is between 500-600 gallons though. When I fill it up I will ive you exact gallons, as I will check on the water gauge.
I will be stocking the pond with

2 oscars
2 jack dempseys
2 firemouths
1 jaguar cichlid
1 texas cichlid
1 green terror
Can we have a pic? It looks AWESOME. Shouldnt you get like couple more fish?

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