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  • Ooohh... that must be hard. Well, i'm sorry, but I can't really say anything about that... Do you need any help with anything else? I still feel bad:( So how many fish do you have? What breed do you have most? Do you like female or male bettas? Oh, and what kind of betta is your male?
    Hi, how's it going with the betta's? Sorry if I gave you bad advice about the females. All advice only applies to certin fish, after all.
    okay, so mabey you have alphabettas. try this test to see.
    1. hold mirror up. if they flare there alphas
    2. let two females see each other note there reactions
    3. stick your finger in the tank. tell me what they do.
    do this, then tell me and i will help you. For now keep them seperated
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