White fuzzy stuff on Hornwort?


New Member
Dec 15, 2002
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I have this white fuzzy looking stuff starting to grow on my Hornwort plants. Any idea? I figure it is a fungus, but what could cause this and what do I change in my tank to fix the problem, preferably without having to use chemicals?
What type of CO2 do you use (DIY, cylander....)? What your seeing may be a result of too much yeast/sugar combo in DIY CO2. Happens all the time. Don't know if this is it or not, cuz I don't know what kind of CO2 kit your using if any. Rose
No CO2 injection, though I do use Flourish Excel. I am thinking it is food that got stuck in the needles of the plants. Anything I should do to rid my plants of this stuff? Of course from now on I am going to watch for the food in the plant to prevent further problems.
If it's not a result of CO2 it's probably food. vaccum the leaves the next time you do a water change and feed less. Rose

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