What In The World !

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That One Guy
May 25, 2019
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On the banks of the Yellowstone
Never have seen this before . Look at that little tendril like thing that’s obviously not a leaf . Is that the beginnings of a flower ? This is on an Amazon Sword Plant of unknown species and variety that I inherited from my Granddaughter in July 2021 . This plant is in a ten gallon with no fish and has no artificial lighting . It’s in a north facing window and has been in this aquarium and location since mid August 2023 . It regularly shoots up new leaves and I leave it alone . IMG_0888.jpeg
Looks like it.

What kind of substrate are you using? Any fertilizer or anything else?
Looks like it.

What kind of substrate are you using? Any fertilizer or anything else?
It’s rooted in plain ordinary aquarium gravel. Never have fertilized it and it hasn’t been with any fish since August . The same water since October when I did a partial water change just because . The only other living things in there is a small clump of Java Moss and some tiny snails that only get about as big as a BB . No idea where they came from . And duckweed which I thin regularly .
It’s rooted in plain ordinary aquarium gravel. Never have fertilized it and it hasn’t been with any fish since August . The same water since October when I did a partial water change just because . The only other living things in there is a small clump of Java Moss and some tiny snails that only get about as big as a BB . No idea where they came from . And duckweed which I thin regularly .

Don't say snails too loudly! My Loaches immediately perked up🤣

look at these beggars...(excuse the mess and reflection)
Those regularly are present on emersed form Amazon swords that I get in. Some sort of flower thing. Sometimes I've seen starts of new plantlets form on them. Pretty cool. Never seen it submerged. I imagine you can let it be and the plants will form. You can cut them off in sections and get new plants. Let those grow and repeat the process. Start selling them. Infinite money.
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Those regularly are present on emersed form Amazon swords that I get in. Some sort of flower thing. Sometimes I've seen starts of new plantlets form on them. Pretty cool. Never seen it submerged. I imagine you can let it be and the plants will form. You can cut them off in sections and get new plants. Let those grow and repeat the process. Start selling them. Infinite money.
Thanks Man . I was hoping you would have an idea . I’ll keep my eye on it .

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